The Past Story (Tom and Robert)

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Sam played with the peas on her plate but didn’t eat much and both the men present in that room noticed that. Vivian looked at Genie, and then both looked at a sad form of Sam. They watched her as she kept toying with the fork. Genie and Vivian sat opposite to each other and sat quietly watching her.

“You didn’t like the food?”

Genie finally broke the silence with a dim voice.

“Huh… what?” Sam was brought out of her thoughts by his voice.

“Why aren’t you eating?” Vivian spoke, annoying Sam.

“I… I don’t feel hungry.” She finally spoke along with pushing the plate aside, making both Vivian and Genie look at each other.

“What’s wrong, hon?” Vivian placed his hand on Sam’s hand, making Sam look up at him. A tear rolled down her cheek as she looked at him.

Genie’s face had expressions of extreme shock. What made her cry? What could be so sad that she cried? Genie’s mind started running a marathon.

“It’s… I spent four years with him, Viv. I know it was my fault, my blindness. He has found another Sam, Viv, I saw James with that new cover girl, Cindy.”

Vivian just listened to her but spoke nothing, knowing the fact that nothing could be enough to cheer her up. He gave her hand a soft squeeze while Sam let the tears flow.

“Who’s James? And who is Cindy?” Genie spoke suddenly spoke making both Sam and Vivian look up at him.

Vivian rolled eyes while Sam just lightly chuckled.

“It’s a long story of my shitty little life, Genie.” She picked her spoon again while wiping her tears with other hand.

“I have time.”

Vivian and Sam looked at him while he innocently stared back.

“Okay. James is my ex-boyfriend.”

“What is an axe boyfriend? Sounds scary.” Genie instantly asked confusing both Sam and Vivian.

“He was… Um… ” Sam looked at Vivian, looking clueless on how to explain the entire concept of boyfriends and ex-boyfriends.

“I was with this guy named James. He was my boss, the owner of the company that I worked in. He was my boyfriend.”

“But you are her husband, aren’t you?” he confusedly asked Vivian while pointing his fork in Vivian’s direction.

“Yes, he is but I…”

“You had a boyfriend and a husband?” Genie wasn’t getting anything at all.

Both Sam and Vivian looked helpless and clueless.

“Isn’t that just bad? I mean you had two relationships with two different men at the same time, which is forbidden. The place where I come from it is bad and you can be banished over it.” Genie stuffed his mouth with the food and blabbered out, not realizing that his words hurt Sam.

“It is bad here too. And I was wrong.” Sam wiped her tears and left the dinner table, shocking Genie.

“Did I say… did I say something wrong?” Genie asked while being totally confused. Vivian laughed looking at the scared form of Genie.

“You are so funny!” He slapped Genie’s hand lightly while chuckling. He swept his blonde locks back and removed the cork from the wine bottle.

“You are laughing? Your wife is crying and you are laughing. Shouldn’t you be comforting her? I made her cry, oh god! Mum was right; I make a pathetic Genie of all my siblings.” He panicked and quickly got up to run but someone grabbed his wrist, halting him from proceeding.

He turned his head to see a smirking Vivian looking up at him.

“What? Let me go. I need to go, I made her cry.”

However, his words were ignored and he was pulled down to sit again.

“You want to fix it?” Vivian's blue eyes stared in Genie's blue ones.

“Yes, I do. I feel pathetic to make her cry. I can be banished for it.” Genie looked terribly panicked and full of remorse.

“Then just let her cry. Sometimes when you want to fix something, the best way is to let them be and everything falls in place. This is good, what do you call it. You cook good.” Vivian kept eating while talking but his advice didn’t ease Genie’s tension.

“So you are saying that I sit here and do nothing and everything will be back to normal?”

Vivian nodded while concentrating on the food. His nod frustrated Genie more.

“Can you at least tell me, what did I do wrong? What did I say?”

“It is not about what you said. It is about what you should have said. Wine please.” He finally wiped his mouth with napkin and tilted his glass, asking Genie to pour him some wine. To which Genie rolled his eyes but did fill his glass.

“5 years back me and Sam met at a bar in Queens. We got drunk and Sam tried to have sex with me but in no condition I was going to have sex with her, I’m gay. I like men. I just dropped her off at her place, spent the night there. Next morning when Sam sobered up, she realized that how nice I was to her the night before but she didn’t know the truth and I couldn’t tell her. I live with my family in Queens and there is no way I can put shame to my family’s name with my sexual orientation. So, I just chose to play the part of nice guy but… but with time Sam fell in love with the nice guy. She started liking me; she didn’t know I was a gay or that I was always interested in men. Sam used to visit my home, my mom knew her. I, Vivian, being the asshole that I was at that time, decided to marry her and use her as the perfect guise for my sexuality. I married her and left Queens forever. I used her but she, she never told anyone, not even to my mother. So I was the man that she should have never met or fall for or marry.”

By the end of the story, Vivian was drunk. But he again started, “She was shattered, Genie. I can never fix that. After me, it was James. She met James and like me he also used her. So, our Sam was never bad, it was us.” He took the last sip out of his glass and smiled at Genie, who just listened to him very carefully.

“Now, you can go and apologize. You already wasted a lot of time.” Vivian smiled with drooping eyes.

“But you told me to…” he started But was cut off.

“Never believe a drunken Australian.” Vivian giggled again and lied down on the sofa, hugging the wine bottle closer to his chest.

Genie just rolled his eyes and stormed out of the living room, leaving a sleeping Vivian on the couch.

And there was Genie, standing in front of a closed door, staring at it while thinking what to do. He took a deep breath and then snapped his fingers. Within a couple of seconds he turned into a smoke and made his way to inside from the crack of the door.

However the moment his human form appeared in the room. A scream of both Sam and Genie echoed the neighborhood.

Hello, guys! Sorry for such late updates but trust me, I’m going through a very rough time. I just updated coz you people are nice and deserve an update. So, this update is especially for you people. 

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