Thief in the Fridge (Tom Hiddleston and Robert Downey Jr.)

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She cried holding the steering wheel, drank whiskey. She felt her throat burning but the burn in her heart was greater. After spending a good amount of time crying, cursing and hollering to herself, she decided to head home. Her head was spinning more than her steering wheel as tried her best to drive carefully.

At last she saw her house, but her eyes narrowed when she tried to recognize the figure standing on the doorway.

“Genie?” She mumbled to herself. No way had he been standing the whole day there waiting for her, she thought to herself. She saw him smiling widely on seeing her. She gave him a cheeky grin, which made Genie raise an eyebrow.

She got out but landed straight on her ass due to her drunken state.

“MASTER!” He quickly ran to pick her up.

She smiled to see the handsome man, carrying her in bridal style to her own house. 

“I told you to call me, Sam!” She slurred as he carefully placed her on the sofa.

“You don’t… You had alcohol?” He scrunched his nose.

She just giggled, letting herself fall on the sofa.

“Sorry to do this but I don’t like you like this.” With that he snapped his fingers.

Sam’s giggles halted. She sat up and looked at him with confusion.

“What did you do?”

“Sobered you up a bit.” He sincerely smiled at her.

“I spent 380 dollars on that bottle, why did you?” She groaned in frustration while holding her head in her hands.

“I’m sorry but alcohol isn’t good, you can have soda if you want.” And with that he pointed at the stack of soda cans lying in the corner of the house.

“Where did you get all that?”


She just rolled her eyes, “Whatever. What did you do all day?”

“I was waiting for you but then I got bored with the waiting, so I decided to clean the house, fix dinner, and tie the thief before putting him in the fridge…”

“Wait, wait. What did you just say? Tie the thief?” She looked at him with confusion.

“Yes! I caught a thief and he is in the fridge right now!” He spoke simply and then started walking towards the kitchen. Sam tried to stand up but eventually stumbled back, maybe he didn’t her sobered up that much. Her eyes swelled to feel the heaviness in her head.

“I cooked pasta e fagioli, testarolos, lasagna and…” Before he could complete, he saw Sam towards the fridge.

“Don’t open the fridge!” Genie yelled but it was too late, he quickly squeeze shut his eyes in regret.

Sam’s eyes swelled, her body froze and a shocked gasp left her mouth the moment she opened the door.

Couple of hours later

“No, I will not calm down, he bloody tied me!”

The sassy Australian marched back and forth while snapping at both Genie and Sam while both of them looked at him nervously.

“Vivian, at least listen to me…”

“Who is he and why I don’t know about him?”

Vivian glared Genie, making him nervous.

“Viv, he’s a Genie.” Sam yelled, trying her best to get heard.

“I do not care who he is. I can’t believe you just picked a bum off the streets and brought him here with you. I mean of course I shouldn’t butt in but you just brought a man into your house without…” Vivian kept yelling and snapping while pacing back and forth.

“Do you want me to…” Genie looked at Sam.

Sam cut him off, looking annoyed by Vivian’s drabble, “Please, I would be grateful to you. Shut him up!”

Genie smiled at a still talking Vivian and snapped his fingers.

“And then he would just…”

And Vivian was cut off, not by someone’s interruption but because no voice left his mouth after that. He raised an eyebrow when he tried to speak but no voice came out.

He looked at Genie and then at Sam. He held his throat and a panic instantly flashed his expressions when no voice escaped his mouth, Sam quickly walked up to him and made him sit on the edge of the bed.

Sam smiled at him, elevating the level of shock on Vivian’s face. He tried to speak again but when again no voice came out he looked at Genie and Sam, startled.

Sam held Vivian’s face in her palms, to calm him. His petrified eyes looked into Sam’s calming eyes, his hands automatically gestured towards his throat that he couldn’t speak.

“Vivian, he is Genie…”

Sam started explaining things and last night events to Vivian. At first he reacted the same way Sam reacted the other night but eventually he looked convinced.

“Genie!” Sam spoke, not speaking another word.

“Yes, master!” Genie smiled and snapped fingers.

Vivian gasped.

“You?” Vivian squeaked and got shocked to hear his’ own voice. He still looked in doubt. He walked towards Genie, looking at him still unsure, if what he heard was true.

“So, you really a Genie?” Vivian looked at him, making Genie roll eyes.

“Yes, he is Viv. Now c’mon, let’s have dinner.” Sam spoke, sounding too tired to answer any more questions and left.

Seeing her leaving, Genie too followed her but his path was blocked by a smirking Vivian. Genie looked at him with confusion.

“I’m Vivian, Sam’s ex husband. And I like guys, blonde… tall guys.” Vivian caressed Genie’s cheek with back of his hand, making Genie look at him with shock and with a hint of panic.


He yelled with his eyes fearfully locked at a smirking Vivian.

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And a special thanks to the people, reading this. I’m glad that at least some of you are finding it interesting.  

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