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Dear, You.

Graduation photos were taken yesterday. I still don't understand why they take them so early.

We are only in November you know.

But anyways, you weren't at school so you'll have to get yours when they come back for retakes.

I got mine taken and it felt weird having to wear the graduation gown to have my picture taken.

It kind of felt surreal.

Like: "Oh my goodness, I am wearing a graduation gown that I will be wearing forreal in only a mere amount of months."

That kind of feeling.

The feeling that something really sunk in.

My highschool career is going to be ending in June and I don't know if I'm ready. I used to be so big on the whole leaving highschool thing. But now I don't know.

I don't have a clue on what I want to do with my life after this is all over.

I always wonder what you would want to do when its all over.

Do you even know?

From, Me.

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