Chapter 5/ hurt feelings

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I waited about three hours until Jax came home. I took a shower to get the goop out of my hair and I washed my clothes and lab coat. I decided to do a little cleaning in Jax's room since he was having a party tonight and it was messy. And I mean MESSY. His bed wasn't made, his curtains were ripped off of the window, clothes all over the floor, and old moldy food under his bed. It took me about two hours to completely clean the room. After I took out the trash I gazed upon my work and grew a proud smile across my face.

I heard the doorknob to the front door being unlocked and figured it was Jax. I quickly shut his door and ran downstairs. The front door swung open with a BANG!, making me step back. Jax's nose was bleeding and he threw his backpack across the room.
"Oh my god! What happened?" I reached out to help him to a stool around the island in the kitchen but he shook me away with a look of pure hatred.
I backed away slowly and stared as he made his way up the stairs.

What... What was that? Why did he look like that? Did I do something? .... I don't understand...

I was mad. And when I'm mad, even Maddy steers clear of me. When Samantha got in my way... I pushed her away. And saw hurt in her eyes. I didn't think much of it. But.... Then I opened my door. And my whole room was spotless! It really looked amazing. I couldn't clean it that well in five years time! I walked inside, slowly staggering. There was a small note on my nightstand. I exhaled sharply as I picked it up.

I hope you don't mind that I tidied up your room..? I know that you're having a party tonight, Zac told me. I know you didn't want me to know because you didn't want to hurt my feelings by not inviting me. But it's ok, I'm not hurt. You could've just told me. Anyways, hope you have a good time, I'll be in my room so try not to be too loud.

"Crap." I muttered and set the card down.

I didn't invite her.... But she cleaned my room?? Why..?

Just then I got a text.

Hey dude. Yo, y didn't u invite lil S to the party 2night??

She's a nerd... Plus, no one would even know who she is. And why do u care so much?

She's funny. And sweet. And ppl don't know her, so why not help her out and get ppl to know her?

It's my party and I said no. And that's that.


We're allowed 2 bring guests right??

U gonna bring that cute redhead?;)


Sure. Just make sure she's cute!

She's my date, not yours.

Yeah, but it's my party and I don't want any ugly girls there.

Y u gotta be so shallow?

Am not

Yeah u r dude. And why won't u invite lil S?? She's not ugly.

True. Samantha's not ugly, but she's not that good looking.


I put my phone down on my bed before logging onto my computer. I heard it vibrate and picked it up.

Um... I know I'm not pretty... But why did you have to say it?

"What?!" I said aloud as I looked at my messages. I accidentally sent that message to Samantha instead of Zac.

Wrong person...

Why are you talking about me behind my back..?

I wasn't.

I'm not stupid. Yes you were

I didn't reply. I didn't have a good comeback. No excuse. Nothing. And I felt bad... Something I usually never feel.

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