Clotpole & Dollophead

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Arthurs POV

"You can tell me anything, Merlin." I say when I realize how serious he is.

"It's just that you'll hate me and-" He says and get out of my grip and stands up. My heart breaks at his words. Nothing could ever make me hate him. 

"I could never hate you. Trust me I've tried." I say softly, standing up, and takes his small hand in my big ones.

Merlin hesitates and I can see how scared he is. Who made him like this? Why would Merlin think I would hate him? So many thoughts race through my mind.

"It's easier to show you." Merlin turns away, mumbling a few words I don't understand, then suddenly there were flowers growing around us, in the shape of a heart.

I instantly freeze. Merlin has magic. My Merlin. How could I have been so blind? This explains so much. Merlin looks down at the ground, nervously tugging at the hem of his tunic. This is still Merlin, it's still the Merlin I fell in love with. Right?

Even though I can feel the anger rush through me I don't say anything. I don't know what to say?

"Merlin." I says calmly and try to get eye contact with him, but he won't look at me. "Merlin." I say again, a little more commanding this time. He looks up at me with tears threatening to spill over in his eyes.

"I get why you didn't tell me, I still love you. But I'll need some time to think." I do get why he didn't tell me, I wouldn't tell me. And I also get why he decides to tell me now.

I bring him in an warm embrace and kiss him sweetly on his lips.

"I'm sorry I've kept it from you for so long." He whispers in my ear.

"It's okay, I understand." Even though I understand doesn't mean I'm okay with this. I'm far away from okay. What if my father would find out? What if he would burn Merlin on a stake? There's too many 'what ifs'. I cannot bear the thought of losing him.

After not saying anything for awhile I suggest we go hunting. It always helps me clear my mind. Just as I'm about to shoot the arrow at the deer, Merlin falls. He lands on his face and groan in pain.

"Look what you did! God dammit, you're probably the clumsiest person I know." I say and throw my hands up in the air.

Merlin stands up and dust of his clothes, "I'm okay, i'm okay. Thanks for asking."He says sarcastically, I glare at him but can't help but to smile a little at his cuteness.

"Now we don't have any food." I say and starts waling back to our camp.

"That's not entirely true." He says and hold up two squirrels. "How did you-" I start off, but then realizes the fact that he have magic, and mentally slap myself. Merlin shrug his shoulders and smile goofy at me.

After eating we decides to go for a bath. We take off our clothes and jump into the lake. The water was a little cold but at the same time it was refreshing.

I splash some water at Merlin, who smiles wickedly and mumble something, then a huge wave hit me right in my face.

I gasp and pout, "That's not fair." Merlin falls into the water, laughing. I glare at him and pick him up, throwing him into the water.

"Hey!" Merlin exclaims. I chuckle and hug him close to my bare chest. I stare into his beautiful blue eyes and then kiss his lips with passion.

"I think I've made up my mind." I say quietly, looking at Merlin. "I choose you." Merlins smile turns into a grin and we kiss again, both smiling against each others lips.

"Good thing I choose you too." He says and slash some water on my face. "Clotpole." "Dollophead"

"Brat." He say back. "Idiot." "Fat ass." "I love you." I surprise both Merlin and I by saying those words. "I love you too." It feels like ages since we last said it to each others but it haven't been more than a couple of hours.

"Can I ask you a question?" I say and look up at the dark sky.

"You just did." Merlin says smartly which makes me glare at him.

"Why would you work as a servant when you have magic? Why would you want to work for the people who's suppose to hate magic?"

He doesn't even hesitates before saying, "Because of you. Arthur, my destiny is to help you build a better Camelot, a better future." He says and look me in the eyes, holding my hand.

"So every time I've been in trouble, you've been the one helping out." I say, letting it sink in.

"You tend to get in trouble a lot." Merlin says and chuckle slightly.

"And here I've been thinking you're a clumsy Idiot who can't do anything by himself." Poor Merlin, never once did he take the credit.

"It's okay. Arthur you must understand that I would do anything for you. I'd die for you in a second." He kisses me on my temple and starts humming.

"I'd die for you too Merlin. Anytime." "I know." He say softly and we sit the rest of the night in each others arms, looking into the fire.


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