I'll follow you

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Arthurs POV

After telling Merlin that my father knows about us he slowly moves away from me. He looks down at his shoes, like he always does when he's nervous or anxious.

"This doesn't change things between us." I say and try and reach for him but he moves away. "This changes everything." He almost whispers. I shake my head rapidly,

"Nothing's going to happen to you, I promise." He smiles slightly and sigh. "Don't make promises that you cannot keep. And besides it's not me I'm concerned about." He says and looks me in the eyes with sorrow. For a moment I get lost in those blue eyes but then I see the tears that's threatening to spill over and my heart breaks into a million pieces.

"We'll run away and never look back." Once again he smiles at me, oh how I love that smile. "We could be farmers, have a little house in the woods and maybe we could start a family. We could take in kids that's been abandoned and left at the church. We-" I get cut of when Merlin presses his lips against mine. It takes a couple of seconds to react but then I kiss him back. He opens his mouth slightly, telling me it's okay to go further. I snake my arms around his tender waist and he places his over my neck.

We both pull apart and I rest my forehead against Merlin's. None of us says anything, because there's nothing that needs to be said.

Merlins POV

Happiness can't last forever but being with Arthur have been worth it. Hand in hand we walk inside the throne room, where we've been called in to speak with Uther. The heavy door opens and Uther's sitting in the middle, in his throne. Arthur squeezes my hand and smile reassuringly at me. I smile back and try to loosen up a bit but fail miserable.

"So it's true." Uther says and shamefully covers his face with his hand. "Leave us." He dismisses everyone else in the room except us.

"Father I-" Arthur lets go of my hand and walks forward. "You leave me with no other choice, Merlin you're banned from Camelot and are never to return." His voice is harsh but he sound tiered. Who wouldn't be if the found out that their daughter planned their death.

"You can't do this!" Arthur yells. Uther stands up and look Arthur in the eyes. "I can and I will. Because I am the king!"

"Then I'll go with him." Arthur turns to me and reach for my hand once again. "You wouldn't, not for Camelot." He says in a quiet voice.

"No but for Merlin." "You're bluffing!" Uther turns red in anger and he walks forward taking Arthurs arm with a strong grip.

"Try me." Arthur push. I freeze, not knowing what to do or say. "You...You wouldn't let him, now would you? Make him leave everything for you." Uther says and look me in the eyes. I quickly look away.

"Merlin wouldn't have a say in it, I would follow him even if he didn't want me to." Arthur almost chuckle. "Get out. I need to think." Uther demands and turns around , not willing to face us.

"That went better than expected." Arthur says and sighs as he sits down on the edge of the bed.

"He have a lot to think of. If I stay, we risk that the kingdom will not approve of our relationship, and If I leave, you leave and the kingdom doesn't have anyone else but Morgana to turn to when Uther dies." I sit down next to Arthur and rest my head on his shoulder.

"I know." Is his only respond.

We sit in silence until it gets dark outside. "Maybe you should go, it's late." Arthur says.

"I don't want you to be alone right now." I look up to see his face. He looks tired and the blue in his eyes doesn't twinkle like they use to, now they look dull and lifeless. "I just need to think."

I understand, he have a lot to think about, I just don't want him to be alone. Instead of saying anything more I nod and stand up, walking to the door. 


hello again. Thoughts? 

Like I said before, I'm trying to make one of those videos for this story, but still haven't managed to pull it of. The amazing song is I'll follow you by Shinedown. I'm in love with it and haven't been able to stop listening to it for the past tree months. 

Anyway..have a great day and I'll see you later. 

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