Chapter 6- Damon Salvatore and A Race

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Heather's POV 


The rest of lunch was so funny and juicy. There was a lot of talk about the latest gossip by Caroline. After lunch Elena, Bonnie, Stefan, Caroline, Matt, and me went to History. Diana went to physics, Tyler went to English, and Jeremy went to chemistry. When all six of us got to class the teacher was talking with a man with black hair and icy blue eyes. He looked a lot like Stefan only Stefan had light brown hair with hazel green eyes. The man walked up to a very concerned Stefan and embraced him into a man hug whispering something into his ear. They let go of each other and the man walks over to Elena smiling a sexy smile. This mans smile was sexier than Jeremy which I first witnessed in art class earlier. 

"Hello Elena!" he says with open arms. He walks closer to her trying to hug her, but Elena stops him in his tracks by placing her hand on his chest and pushing him away. Elena crosses her arms and looks at him hard. 

"Hi Damon." Elena says through closed teeth. Damon shakes his head and waves at Caroline and Bonnie who were whispering fiercely that they didn't even notice Damon. I looked at them and started to wonder what were they talking about. I moved a little closer to them making sure no one saw me. Damon clears his throat and glances towards me. 

"Who is that beauty right there?" Damon asks practically yelling. I shake my head and smile a flirty smile. 

"My name is Heather Song." I say extending my arm. He takes it and looks at me as if he knew me from somewhere. 

"Have we met before maybe in Florida? he asked. I look at him with confused eyes and shook my head. 

"No I don't think so I have never been in Florida before." I answer him still very confused. 

"Really, are you by any chance related to the Daily family or De La More?" he asked again and I nodded. 

"Actually yes my grandmother's mother's maiden name was Daily and I have an uncle that lives here from my mother's side that has the last name De La More. His name is James and he lives with his wife Aphrodite and their four daughters; Alicia, Genevieve, Mackenzie, and Evangelina. Why do you ask?" I look at him with my greenish, blueish eyes. 

"Umm.. This girl I knew back in Florida last name was Daily and she looked a lot like you but she had blue and green streaks in her straight blond hair. Unlike you which is wavy and has a cute flower in it. I thought you were her for a second." Damon said I now understood what on Earth was going on. 

"All is understandable so if you don't mind I need to talk with my history teacher since it is my first day here." I tell him smiling. 

"Of course by all means go ahead and by the way my name is Damon Salvatore." he says and lets me pass. I looked at him and my mouth drops no wonder Stefan and him looked so much alike. 

"Your related to Stefan?" I ask. 

"Sadly yes I am related to that kill joy. I'm his older brother slash guardian." Damon says and puts in infuses on the kill joy. I laugh and walk away towards my history teacher who was talking to Stefan and Elena. They drop their conversation and walk away. Weird. 

"Hello you must be Heather Song my new student. I'm Mr.Saltzmen and I have heard nothing but good about you and your sister all day can't wait to meet her." he says smiling. I nod my head and I hand him my stupid survey and takes it casually, signing it and handing it back to me. 

"I really do hate those thing it is just retarded having that. The student just got here and you expect them to have a great first day at a brand new high school come on it is high school!" Mr.Saltzmen says I nod my head and make motions asking him if I can sit down. He notices that and nods his head. 

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