Chapter 4- Kissing Jeremy Gilbert

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I didn't expect to upload so early so here you go anyway you guys are lucky I love my fans. Here is chapter 4. Now you can find out who scared Diana! 



Diana's POV 


I turned around quickly to see who my almost murder was. In front of me was very sexy teenage boys that had light brown spiky hair and almost tan skin. He was talker then me by almost a foot. When I say the boy was sexy I meant what I said the boy had a six pack that was visible in his shirt. Oh my god he was hot I so hoped he didn't gave a girlfriend. God please tell me he doesn't have a girlfriend. I kept looking at the boy like I was in his control. I want him to touch me so bad and as if my prayers were answered the boy grabbed my chin looking into my blue eyes. I looked back into his chocolate brown eyes and we leaned in closer. Our lips were brushed against each other and I felt like I was about to burst if we didn't kiss sooner. The boy took in a deep breath and I smelled mint. 

"Hello beautiful." he whispered on my lips and I shivered. He smiled a sexy smile that made me melt. 

"Hello sexy." I whispered back. Wait did I just call him sexy to his face oh my god why did I just say that? The boy laughed quietly and pulled away from me. I became disappointed and put on a smile to hide it. 

"Thanks for calling me sexy but your way sexier than me. I'm Jeremy Gilbert and you must be new here because I know every beautiful girl here and there is only a couple. I have to say you are the most beautiful and sexiest girl I ever seen." He said louder for the girls next to us could hear. I laughed my sweet laugh that I only did around my mother.  

"I'm Diana Song and you are not the hottest guy I have seen but thanks for the complement." I said even louder than him and his mouth dropped. I laughed at this and put my arm on his shoulder. Boy am I a tease. 

"That is very mean Diana!" he said pushing me on the lockers. 

"What it is true!" I yelled at him. Jeremy gave me an ‘oh really’ look and inched closer to my face. 

"Who is sexier than me huh?" he asked. 

"Justin Bieber!" I yelled first thing coming to my mind. I mean Justin Bieber is sexy but he popped into my mind right there. Jeremy started laughing. 

"I'm not going to say anything about that cause my sister will come out of nowhere and attack me as always." Jeremy said looking around. 

"I'm joking you are the sexiest guy I've ever met. Well so far." I whispered getting closer to his face. 

"Good...Damn I want to kiss you so badly" Jeremy said looking at my pink lips. I looked down and blushed. Looking back up I opened my mouth to say something but nothing came out. As telling me not to say anything Jeremy's warm lips crashed into mine. Sparks flying everywhere and all our senses tuned out. Jeremy lifted me up and I wrapped my legs around his waist. He licked the top of my mouth and I was about to open when he pulled away leaving me wanting more. We were out of breath and looking into each other’s eyes foreheads pressed together. 

"You are a good kiss Ms. Song and strawberry lip gloss?" he asked. I unwrapped my legs and he put me on the floor. 

"You’re not so bad yourself Mr. Gilbert and actually it's watermelon." I said fixing my hair and clothes. Jeremy gave me an ‘I see’ look and put his hand around my waist pulling me to his chest. When he was about to kiss me again the bell rang. 

"Crap what is your homeroom class?" he asked me. I scrambled looking for my schedule. Finding it I looked at it. 

"Homeroom 704" I yelled. 

"Same as me it is right around this corner. Come on!" he yelled grabbing my hand and pulling me. We ran around the corner and walked into homeroom 2 minutes late. The teacher saw us and didn't say anything knowing that we are teenagers with crazy hormones. Jeremy walked to his seat and I went to the teacher’s desk. 

"Hello my name is Diana Song and I'm new. Can you sign this for me please?" I asked the teacher holding out my survey. She looked at me and nodded grabbed the survey from me. 

"Hello I'm Mrs. Gomez welcome to Robert E. Lee High school. Here is your survey and sit anywhere you like probably next to your boyfriend Mr. Gilbert." she said pointing to Jeremy. I shook my head to tell her we are not going out well not yet anyways. 

"Jeremy and I are not...never mind. Thank you Mrs. Gomez." I said not in the mood to argue with a teacher and walked away. I sat next to Jeremy just to rub it in that teachers face. The teacher gave me a face that said bad idea. I don't care what she says she just wishes she was still a teenager. I took my mind off that stupid teacher and looked around the class room. Typical high school class room teenaged couples hiding be hide people making out, nerds or geeks looking at the clocks excitedly waiting for the first period bell to ring, groups of girls talking and pointing about other girls in this class one of those girls was me. Wait me? Are these sluts really pointing at me? Relax Diana pretend they are not there and talk to Jeremy. I looked at my left seeing Jeremy with his head turned talking to another dude. I tapped him on the shoulder and he turned around smiling at me. 

"What up sexy?" I asked smiling his sexy ass smile. I was about to answer when a paper ball hit the back of my head. I saw Jeremy's mouth dropped and I turned around to see who the hell threw that paper at me. It was a blonde girl that was in that group of sluts. She was sitting on top of a not so cute guy. 

"Did you just throw a paper ball at me?" I asked standing up. 

"Yeah I did uh new girl is it true that you and sexy Jeremy Gilbert be hide you kissed?" she asked pointing at Jeremy. 

"Maybe we did maybe we didn't but that is none of your business! I'm not going to stand here and talk to you because I got better things to do!" I almost yelled at her. 

"It was a simple question new girl and you two probably didn't kiss because Jeremy is way too sexy for you!" she stood up and walked towards me. I didn't even care what she said because my mother always told me that people who make fun of others are just so insecure that they don't know how to express themselves correctly. 

"I will let you think what you want to think ok and my name is not new girl it is Diana thank you!" I said stepping closer to her. 

"I like your attitude Diana we should have lunch together. See you later Diana." she said turning around and sitting back on the not so cute jock. Weird I thought turning back around and sitting in my seat. Wow this sure is going to be quiet a day. Jeremy touched my leg and I looked at him. 

"Relax forget about Jessica she is just jealous of you ok." he whispered kissing me softly on the lips. I nodded my head and the bell for first period rang.


Hoped you guys liked it . Thanks for the comments and votes. I hope you don't mind but this time I would like 4 comments and 4 votes please thank you!! Love ya!!! Pic of Jeremy on the side. 

<3 Forever11

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