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~Kace POV~
"Arigato!" I yell back to the lady who so kindly helped me. I run down the street with a smile plastered on my face. I hope they let me join, what if they don't, what if I'm like too old, I'll lie about my age if so, I need this, this is going to save my life.

I zone out thinking about like everything. I look up in the sky and I know this will be a good day. I don't think I've been this happy in years. "Natsu! Watch out!" I hear a girl yell. Then I slam into someone and fall on the ground. I rub my head and open my eyes, I see a guy with light pink hair. "Oi, I'm so sorry mister." He says to me with an apologetic smile. "Oh uh it's ok kid," I respond, "I wasn't paying attention, I'm kinda in a hurry to get somewhere." I finish and scratch the back of my head. "Where are you going?" The blonde girl asks. "I'm on my way to fairytail I'm gonna see if I can work there." I say sounding like a little kid, all proud of myself. "Hey were from there! We could take you, right Luce?" The pinkettes face lights up as he turns to the girl and waits for approval. "Well yea I guess we don't gotta do the job right this second." She says with a smile and nods to the kid. He gets up and puts a hand out. I grab it and he pulls me up. We continue down the street towards a huge building that looks like a castle, a huge smile comes to my face the blonde locks at me and giggles.

~Natsu POV~ (earlier)
"Come on Luce lets find a job to take." I grab her hand and drag her away from our friends, I gotta get this off my mind and a job should do the trick. "Oi Natsu! Don't just drag me away like that, I would have followed if you said something." She looks at me stumbling along because she cant keep up. She waves apologetically to our friends and runs up next to me. Standing in front of the request board. After a few minuets Lucy looks at me and her face is kinda red, "Uhm Natsu? When were u gonna let go of my hand?" I look down to our intertwined hands, I can feel my face heat up a bit. "Never" I want to say, "Oh sorry." I let go of her hand and grab a job from the board. "Heres a job we can do." I say with little emotion and walk over to Mira so she can do her thing.

I then walk over to an empty table and sit. "NATSU, I'm trying to talk to u." She hits my arm trying to get my attention. "What." I say turning to her. "Why are u acting like this, your all distant and its not like you. What happened to my Natsu?" Did she say 'my Natsu' Gihee. A smirk comes to my face. It then fades a bit, "I'm sorry Luce, I've just been thinking about a bunch of different things." I say looking down at the table. "Like what?" She asks. "Well remember when we were talking about siblings," I slowly start, she nods her head with a concerned and questioning look. "Well it's just bothering me. Ya know wether or not I had a, I think a brother, I must have been so young, if I did, but I only remember life as an only child. But I kinda remember someone older than me but that might have been my neighbor, but I don't remember, it's really getting to me." I pause and look up at Luce, "Oh, sorry I was kinda ranting, just needed to get that out." I finish finally. She looks a bit flustered at first but her features then go soft, "No it's ok Natsu I'm glad you trust me enough to open up like that." I can see a slight blush rising onto her cheeks. I perk up finally getting that off my chest. "Come on Luce! Let's go do that job!" I exclaim, grabbing her hand and rushing over to the bar to get the ok from Mira. "OI MIRA!" She looks up from what she's doing, it appears cleaning some cups, "Is that job ready for doing yet?" I ask hoping for her to say so. "Well it's about a day's journey so I would get going now so it's for sure done." She says with a sweet smile and going back to cleaning while talking to Laxus. "Well u heard the girl Luce, let's go!" I say running out the guild doors.

The air is sweet and warm as I skip down the street spinning around to check on Luce a few times. "Lucy, I haven't felt this good in a while, honestly." I say pausing to look at her. "Haha I can tell." She smiles and laughs while studying me with soft eyes. I look at the sky as I skip along. All of a sudden I hear Luce yell "Natsu! Watch out!" But not soon enough. I slam into some guy and fall on the ground. I rub my head and open my eyes, I see a guy with dark pink hair. "Oi, im so sorry mister." I say with an apologetic smile. "Oh uh its ok kid," he responds, "I wasn't paying attention, I'm kinda in a hurry to get somewhere." He finishes and scratches the back of his head. "Where are you going?" Lucy asks obviously curious. "Im on my way to fairytail I'm gonna see if I can work there." He says proudly and kinda sounding like a little kid. "Hey were from there! We could take you, right Luce?" My face face lights up as I turn to Lucy to ensure she's ok with it. "Well yea I guess we don't gotta do the job right this second." She says with a smile and nods. I get up and put a hand out. He grabs it and I pull him up. I lead him down to the guild, excited to have a new member. I notice Lucy looking at him and giggling, she's so adorable. We get to the front doors and I burst in. "GRAMPS!! WE GOTTA KID HERE WHO WANTSTA JOIN THE GUILD!!" I yell getting everyone's attention, then gramps hops up on the bar. "Well let's see then, com'er, what's your name kid?" He asks him with a smirk, "Oh... uh.. my-my name is Kace Dragneel." The whole guild sweatdrops and there's dead silence...
Dragneel?!? 0.o

~ Gomensai Mina, I'm so so sooo sorry for really late updates, I'll try to keep it updated ASAP, but cliff hanger?!?!  Keep reading and find out!
~ Isie_Marie_Dragneel

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