Chapter 3

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Picture of Spencer Weiss above.

Spencer looked down at me, an amused smirk tugging at the corner of his lips. He held out a hand and I took it, using it to hoist myself up. Sparks exploded the moment our hands touched but I chose to ignore it. " You should watch where you're going next time", says Spencer, his voice deep and husky. Butterflies erupted in my stomach at the sound of his voice but I quickly pushed them aside. "You shouldn't run in the halls so I guess we're both at fault ", I retort. His smirk is still evident on his face as we stare at each other. I try to pull my hand out of his but he has it in a vice like grip. " Can I have my hand back now?", I question with a raised eyebrow. A red tint finds its way onto Spencer's cheeks before he releases my hand and walks away at a brisk pace. Did Spencer Weiss blush, I have a funny feeling that he doesn't blush too often. A small chuckle leaves my lips as I enter the cafeteria in search of my friends. I spot them at the back of the lunch line and run quickly towards them. We greet each other before we chat about anything and everything as we wait to get our food. Eventually we make it to the top of the line and I decide on 2 slices of pepperoni pizza and a bottle of water. I find our table and see my friends already seated there. I slide in beside Zach and Clara with Avery across from me. They seem to be in deep conversation and don't even notice I'm there. I feel so loved, I think to myself sarcastically. " Hey, what are we talking about?" I ask Clara. Her red curly hair bounces as she nods happily at whatever Avery just said. She then turns to me and gives me a look that makes me feel like I should know what the hell they're on about " We're talking about how hot the new guy is, obviously! Keep up Malerie.", I shake my head at her weirdness while laughing slightly. I watch them all glance over at something and turn to see what it is they're looking at. I realise it's the table where all the jocks and cheerleaders sit. I'm very confused for a second until I see what has got their full attention. Spencer is sitting there in between a cheerleader and a jock. The jock is talking to someone across from him while the cheerleader is rubbing Spencer's arm seductively while batting her eyelashes. Spencer doesn't seem to be paying her any attention though and seems focused on something in our direction. Zach elbows me in the ribs before whispering in my ear "Spencer is totally staring at you right now". I look at him like he's crazy before whispering back" Of course he's not looking at me idiot and you really hurt me just there". Zach mutters a quick apology , looking like he's about to say something else but before he can the bell signalling the end of lunch sounds, cutting him off. I hurry out of the cafeteria, struggling to get my books for next class out of my locker. I head to Mr Browns room for Phycology. This is one of my favourite classes as I'm really interested in becoming a physiatrist after I leave school. I was inspired to choose this career path after my sister committed suicide. I would love to be able to help others get through hard times because my sister never had that. A wave of sadness washes over me as I think of Beth but thankfully Mr Brown comes in before I can get too upset. I give all my attention to his lecture and scribble down all the notes on the board. Throughout the class I feel someone's eyes burning holes into the back of my head, at first I chose to ignore it but soon it gets so aggravating, I have to look around. I scan the classroom before my eyes land on Spencer, I hadn't even noticed him come in. I hold his gaze for a few seconds before turning back around and trying to concentrate on the lesson. What is his problem? Is there something on me? I think angrily to myself. This guy has been in the school one day and I already hate him. Before I know it its 3 o'clock and school has ended. I shove all my homework books in my bag before walking out of school with Clara, Avery and Zach. We part ways and I walk to my car. I can't help but notice a gorgeous motor cycle parked a couple of metres away from my car and leaning against it is none other than Spencer Weiss. I scoff,a gorgeous ride for a gorgeous boy. Without another glance in Spencer's direction I hop in my car and drive home. I'm not surprised when I see that no ones at home. Mom and dad are probably still at work. I sigh loudly before plopping myself down on the couch. If you had asked me a year ago what I thought of my family, of my life, I would have told you everything was perfect. I had an amazing sister, loving parents and an over all fantastic life. It just shows you how much can change in a year. My parents barely talk to each other anymore and when they do they communicate in screams. It seems like they never have time for me anymore, like the moment they lost a child they just completely forgot about the other one. I lost the boyfriend that I thought loved me when I walked in on him all over the queen bee of our school, my life was crumbling all around me and there is nothing I can do about it. My parents make me absolutely furious, they are so busy dealing with their pain that they don't even think about what I'm going through, they don't even think about the pain I felt when I found Beth's lifeless body, they never care enough to ask how I'm doing. I stomp up the stairs and my feet carry me in the opposite direction of my room like they have mind of their own. It's only when I'm stood in front of it, that I know where I am, Beth's room. A tortured cry escapes my lips but I don't run away like I should, instead I open her door and march inside. Everything has been left untouched, this is the first time I have been in Beth's room since I found her body on her ensuite bathroom floor a year ago.I walk slowly towards her double bed with its zebra print comforter and her assortment of cushions. A sad smile makes its way onto my lips as I remember all the times I would climb into Beth's bed when I had a nightmare, how she would stroke my hair and tell me a happy story until I'd fall asleep. I look around the room, the pale pink walls, the photographs hung all over the place, the zebra print curtains to match her comforter and the large case of cheerleading trophies Beth won over the years. A picture of Beth and I on the wall across from me catches my eye. I look to be about ten so she must have been twelve, we looked so happy, maybe Beth really was happy back then, maybe it was only later on when the worries of high school and pressure of college got to her. My parents had put a lot of pressure on Beth when it came to college, she had been the golden girl of our family so they of course wanted her to be a doctor just like them. But Beth never wanted that, her passion was photography but mom and dad always said photography was meant to be a hobby not a career. Her dream was to be a fashion photographer and travel around the world to capture every fashion show she could. I know she always cared too much about disappointing people and would let that control her decisions. She was always so full of life and happiness that it was such a shock to people when they found out how she had died. I guess the people who seem to always be happy are the ones that are hiding the darkest secrets. I let few tears leave my eyes before quickly wiping them away and slowly leaving the room where the biggest part of my sisters soul lies. God,I miss you so so much Beth, I would give anything to have you back, I really would.

This chapter sure is a tear jerker😪, what do you guys think of Spencer?😉

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 28, 2015 ⏰

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