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I have to tell her.
I know I have to tell her but I can't because rules are rules.
And I have to follow it.

There are certain rules an astral projector should follow.

Most important of all is never say to a person about their life's mystery unless they ask you to.

Finally now I get to tell her.

I turn to her and say " I was wishing you would say that"

" you need to have a hard heart and listen to what I am saying with out interruption " I said making quotes in the air for interruption.

She looked very grave.
She should.

What I am about to say is going to change her life.

Flashback started :

I used to love asteral walking.
My favourite power.
Since my mother is the Queens best friend and cousin I'm royalty.
Being a royal has it's positive side.
This is one.
Having multiple powers is one thing but having multiple powerful powers is another.
But as of now only 2 people know about my multiple powers.
1. Master shanita
2. Gregon( my love )

A few days ago my mianov (Gregon) lost his youngest sister in law and in turn lost his brother.

He went into isolation. (poor kid)

He was distraught. I have to do something.

So I did what I was best at.
Astral walking.

I went to the palace where I'm always welcome.

My mother has a room there but I don't know anybody there except for the Queen, her husband and the daim (in samreth it means harem Queen or bitch).
I knew the Queen and her husband because they are the Queen and consort.
I knew the diam because I saw her in my father's office one day.
I still remember she was arguing with him so loudly.

That day-->

" Mesuran I want you and I will do anything for it" said the daim.
" go to hell glotai I'm not your sex slave or a low class citizen. Your treats don't work on me get lost daim" said my dad.
Wow dad.
I have never heard my dad talk like that ever.

"if I want something I always have it and I will have you" she said and left.

That is how I know her.
So in the palace my mother was away so I went to her room and locked the door.

Then I shed my physical body and started walking in my Astral body.

( it's mostly going to sleep and letting your body sleep while your mind is awake)

Everything looks colourful during an Astral walking.

Each colour indicate an incident.
And there are threads that leads to places.

Some threads are crisscrossed in the spirit dimension.

Eg. My astral body is attached to a thread which is attached to my physical body.
So I can follow that thread and go back to my body.

It's a white gold coloured thread.

Places where voilent things have happened will have grey patches with a dark neon green outline.

And a birth has a bright pink patch to it.

Even thread leading to the person has the same colour of the incident they are involved.

So walking some time I found a bright green thread with a grey line in the middle.
I knew that it was leading to violence area.
So I followed it.
After following it for some time i knew that it lead to the Queens chamber.

The Queens consort was lying dead in a pool of blood.

I called for my other power to look what happened here.

I saw the Queen coming.......
No not the Queen.
The DAIM in queen's face
She is trying to do something.
But What?

Oh my God
She is trying to trick the consort into believing that she is the Queen!

Doesn't she know that it is more than hard to trick a soul mate who has already found his/her mate into believing an impersonator as their mate.?
(not that it hasn't happened before....... A lot)
Why is she doing it?
Conversation between the daim as the Queen and the consort

(D--> daim, C--> consort)

D : darling I was waiting for you for so long where have you been?
C :who are you?
D :what are you saying darling I don't understand?
C : This is the latest time I'm asking you I'm asking you who are you?
D : I'm your wife sweet heart. What is wrong with you? Are you sick?
C : you are not my wife. I know my wife much better than anyone else so don't give me this shit and tell me who are you and why are you in my wife's get up.
D : oh dear Derrick I have to say that I'm impressed.
Nobody has ever found any difference when I'm in disguise.
Your love for zorrya is unfathomable.
She is now making rounds around the consort.

Suddenly she plunged a knife into the consort's back!!!

Flashback paused:

Asyana looked as white as a paper.
Poor kid.
She must have thought that one day she will meet her father and mother and now even before going there she found her father is dead.


Hey guys we have like 3-4 chapters
Left. After that the first book in the series is over.
I'll finish it ASAP.

THE FORM OF MATTER( The Samerthan Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now