Chapter Four: A Determined And Worried Hungarian

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Austria's POV: At that I watched the albino leave. Those same words echoed through my mind "Don't doubt zhat zhis vill be zhe last zime jou vill ever see me again..." What did he mean by that?...Was he being serious? Or was it just some other insult or comment sneered at me?... I decided not to worry about it as I turned my attention back to Elizabeta, who was standing there with her back to me, watching Prussia leave before us. "Hungary...Vhat is it? Vhy are jou vatching him leave like zhat?" She turned with wide teary eyes which caught me off guard. She was about to cry...Liz stepped forward a bit "S-something...Something is seriously vrong vith him..." I snapped "Vhen is zhere ever a zime vhen zhere isn't?" But she didn't chuckle and brush it off as she always did when I insulted him. Instead she growled "Jou know vhat I meant! He- he is..." She trailed off but then continued "Something is going on zhat ve don't know about. Something zhat is bothering him severely..." I shrugged "I didn't see a change in his behavior. If jou ask me, he seems like zhe same old aggravating Prussian to me!" Elizabeta almost screamed "Vill jou just stop!!" I froze in shock as she went on "He has never been zhat gentleman like or kind to me. He has never ever came crawling here screaming and bawling his eyes out beside our front door! And he has never looked so god dammed depressed in his life!!!" I kept still and silent as she turned. "I'm going to go after him. Zhanks to jou for rudely dismissing him away." She then took off running towards him. Me, standing there with wide eyes and a gaping mouth. She had never snapped on me before...Ever. I was truly terrified and I felt extremely...extremely guilty. If there really was something wrong with Gilbert...I hoped to god it would all work out possibly...Not for his sake. But for Elizabeta's.

Third person: Prussia let out a long dragged sigh as he leaned against a tree. The wooded area that surrounded Roderich's home was thick and deep. It probably took Gilbert an hour to even make it through it all. He inclined his chin into the air. Gazing up at the dark lit sky that only seemed to grow darker with every passing second. "Vhat a pity...Zhat to zhe end, Austria vill still never change his outlook on me. Vhat a stubborn asshole. Ha, I vouldn't even expect him to care if he knew...If he only knew..." His voice grew soft as the realization settled in that he did in fact have a problem with talking to himself. Usually he would have smiled eagerly and shout to himself "VELL HAVING A CONVERSATION VITH SOMEONE AS AWESOME AS ME IS JUST SO VORTH IT!!" But he just was not in the mood to put on a facade. Especially if he had no one to use it for. He shook his head and suddenly grew very tired and worn. Today's events replaying over and over in his overwhelmed mind. "I suppose, at least, vhen I'm gone zhat Hungary vill be vell zaken care of..." As if on cue, a soft reply came from the opposite side of the tree "Ah. And just vhere are jou planning to go?" Gilbert's violent red eyes shot open and he jumped back "Vh-Vhat?! Vhat are you-.." He was cut off by Elizabeta revealing herself from behind the tree "Relax. I'm not here to pester jou or even get on to jou for zalking to Roderich like zhat.." At this Gilbert's shoulders stiffened and he displayed a slightly annoyed expression "By zhe vay jou are bringing it up...It's hard to believe jou." Liz just growled "Seriously? Don't be so difficult all zhe sudden." The Prussian replied in a louder tone "I am not! Jou always stick up for him vhy should I-" Liz shoved him and screamed "VILL JOU JUST SHUT UP FOR A SECOND?!" This time, the surprised taller male swallowed hard. Taking a safe step backwards and fighting back his words. He crossed his arms and glared, following her stupid order. She let out a aspirated sigh as she lowered her head "Zell me...Vhy are jou acting like zhis?..." Gilbert's hard glare softened into a gaze "Vhat ever do jou mean?..." Liz was growing impatient "Jou know exactly vhat I mean! S-seeing jou like zhis...I can zell something is zerribly vrong..." Gilbert narrowed his eyes but averted them to the side "I don't know vhat jou are going on about..." She growled and grabbed his collar. Jerking him down to be at her level, forcing eye contact "Jou fucking idiot!! Jou are lying! Right out of ass!" She spat. He let out a snort "Vell vhat's it to jou anyvays?" Her deathly glare faltered slightly, and Gilbert's own eyes widened with concern "I vas just kidd-" Liz let him go and shoved him once more, this time making him fall. He fell on his rump and he glanced up at her questioningly. Her expression was blank and nothing. Her mouth a firm flat line and her eyes glazed with built up anger that she kept inside. "Jou-...Every zhing is just a joke to jou isn't it?...Jour just going to pretend like jour perfectly fine...Jour going to joke around and be in complete denial...Until it's too late...Aren't jou?..." Her voice was soft and almost into a pleading whisper. Prussia's eyes widened and he looked away once more. Anything to not have to look at that heart wrenching expression she was giving him. "Liz. Haha! Jou are being so veird!! Do jou honestly zhink zhat I-" She snapped "Vill jou stop pretending? Vill jou let jour fake ass shit down for just a couple of minutes? Jou are transparent. At least to me...I know jou are suffering zhrough something...I really can't stand to see jou like zhis. So I would appreciate it if jou just stop zhis..." At that point Gilbert knew that he could not hide or avoid this anymore. He stood to his feet and stepped closer to Liz. A lone sigh pressed between his lips "I have somezhing- I-..." His fingers hesitantly reached towards her face, but before they made contact he dropped his arm limply to his side. "Elizabeta...I have bad news..."

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 27, 2015 ⏰

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