The Host ¤ The Next Chapter: 19

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The Host ¤ The Next Chapter: 19

(Song - Mikky Ekko, "We Must Be Killers")

The next morning, we did wake up and check out of the one star hotel. I signed out at the desk and left the key on top of the notebook. The old man was nowhere to be found, but I wasn't going to wait around for him. I just wanted to get as far away from the town as possible.

How? Jenny asked as I exited the hotel and started down the sidewalk.

"There has to be a bus stop somewhere..." I began to reply.

A bus! She exclaimed. We'll definately get caught!

"We will, if you keep talking." I grumbled. "As long as I don't talk to myself, and act as if everything is fine, no one will suspect that you are still alive."

Jenny remained silent.

"And you don't even know where you want to go." I continued when she didn't speak up. "Your brother is dead, your aunt hates us, and that leaves us with no where to turn. The only way forward is for me to return as a Healer and get along with this life."

You're not going to get rid of me, this body, are you? Jenny asked cautiously. 

She was almost as afraid as me of death, I realized.

"No." I sighed. "We'll just have to learn to live togther."

Sounds wonderful...Jenny replied sarcastically.

"Listen! If we could go to separate bodies like Sarah and Gabbe, I would...." I stopped short.

You would what? Jenny asked expectantly.

"We can." I muttered. I walked faster along the sidewalk in search for the early morning bus. "I can tell them I'd like a new body. They'll transplant me out of this one into a new human host. Then, they'll set your body aside for storage. You play dead until I come back for you. I'll get you out of there and help you escape. You'll be allowed to return to the others, and I'll be able to work as a Healer."

But won't you be betraying the rebels by working for your kind, won't you? Jenny countered.

I stopped in mid-step.

"I didn't ask for this life." I muttered softly. "I wanted to be a Healer and experience things on Earth, then move onto the next planet like all my kind. I didn't want to work for rebels or try to fight off other Souls like myself."

It's WRONG. Jenny growled back. You help your 'kind' kill off other intelegent life who have just as much right as living as Souls. Each species has its own right to plow ahead into the future as any other. THAT'S why intelegent life has always been born on different planets---we follow our own paths. We make our own decisions. Whether we fail and create all-out war, or succeed and make an eternity of peace is up to us.

I started walking towards the corner of the street when she was done with her speech.

Hey! Are you listening to me?! Jenny screeched. You can't do this!

"I can." I grumbled under my breath as my muscles wavered. Jenny was trying to take control of me, trying to make me stop walking. I wasn't going to let her this time. "And I will."

I fought her control and won. Jenny sat helpless in the corner of my mind as I made the final steps over to the bus stop sign.

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