The Host ¤ The Next Chapter: 32

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The Host ¤ The Next Chapter: 32


I sat in the passenger's seat of the sleek, silver sports car that all Seekers owned. I didn't have one yet, and didn't care to either, so instead I was riding with Skyfall. The interior of the vehicle was pitch black, and firm rather than cushy. I didn't see how anyone could possibly be comfortable sitting on it for more than an hour at a time. Of course, these cars hadn't been made for comfort, but for efficiency.

I was sitting buckled up with my arms folded. The car wasn't cold---I was just trying to deal with the flips my belly were doing. Gabbie and Whitney were in terrible trouble. I didn't know how we would get them out of their predictament without exposing ourselves.

"Relax." Skyfall ordered me while keeping his eyes on the road at the same time. We were on a straight stretch, so there was no point, but I think he was gazing forward because of his own nerves. "We'll think of something when we get to the town."

"We don't know how to get in contact with them though..." I argued back. "What if they enter the store before we can pull them aside? We won't be able to do anything."

"I wasn't planning on stopping at the store." Skyfall replied with a neutral tone.

I blinked. "What?"

"We're going to go to them---you remember how to find their base, correct?" He asked, and this time he did turn his head to look at me.

"Yes..." I answered him. "but won't your car stick out if we go through the dessert? We'll be gunned down by humans or followed by our own kind."

"Then we'll borrow a car---I'm sure anyone in that small town will be glad to hand theirs over." he replied with a shrug, turning his head forward to watch the road.

Right...I thought to myself. Even though his words should have comforted me, I only felt the pit of worry at the center of my stomach grew bigger. Something felt off, or wrong, but I couldn't think of what it was.



"Are you going on the raid?" Whitney asked as I got back from today's job---gathering the trash bags from outside of people's homes. 

As easy as the job had sounded, it was much more difficult. For one, it required that you had upper body strength, which I had none of. I had barely been able to lift the bags off the ground to dispose of them into the bin. Jesse had pushed the box on wheels---he said after a while, the cart would become more unbearable than the bags and so it throwing the trash in was the easier job.

"What raid?" I asked as I plopped down on the couch. I was exhausted.

"Tomorrow." She replied, moving through the kitchen as she prepared dinner. "Gabbie, Sarah, and myself are going."

"I thought you normally didn't go on raids." I countered, leaning forward so that my elbows rested on my legs and my head rested on my hands.

"Usually, but Jeb's short on people." Whitney told me. "Too many repeats have occured. He wants faces who haven't been seen in public lately to go out."

"Which includes...?" I left the question open for her to fill in the gap.

"He was hoping you'd agree to the raid." The Soul confessed. "Taylor will be coming along too."

I went to open my mouth, but she interrupted.

"Jeb wants to see if you two can at least tolerate or get along with each other." She said quickly. "It's a test."

"What happens if one of us fails?" I asked. My hand was aching to slap Taylor for trying to kill me.

Whitney's eyes narrowed, figuring out what I was thinking. "You're not going to hit each other silly. This raid is important. We are stocking up for a freeze month."

"Freeze month?" I barked in surprise. "It's not winter yet. It's the middle of July."

She shook her head. "That's not what it means. It's Jeb's term for when we stop all our raiding for a complete month and go off radar." she explained. "Then we select another store to steal from for three or four months until we need to freeze again."

"You're trying to avoid getting caught." I thought out loud when the information clicked in my head. "Stealing from one location for a long period of time draws attention."

Whitney didn't say a word, but I knew I was right.

"Okay." I agreed. "I'll go."

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