19 Ugh, Cheesy

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"Hey Melissa!" I heard suddenly behind me.

"Oh hey, Jim," I said.

"I need to speak you," Jim said serious.
I was kinda scared, seeing his angry face. You could read him like a book.

"What's up?"

"I know you're not a lesbian," Jim said serious.
Maybe a little too serious.
Someone, get me out of here?!

"Oh... Well now you know the truth."

"Why did you lie to me?"

"Well... Because... I didn't want to go on a date with you..?" I said nervously, looking around me for someone who could save me from this thing here.

"Please Melissa. Only one date."

"Jim. You're very cute anf stuff, but people say you're a player. And, Jim, I do not date players."

"Who told you that shit? I'm not a player, Melissa. I swear."

"I'm sorry, but it's hard to trust you. I mean, you're too fucking perfect. You're beautiful eyes, that cheekbone, and your perfect hair..." I immediately stopped. Good work, Melissa.

"That doesn't mean I'm a player," Jim said laughing. "Please go on one date with me?"

I looked him in the eyes. "Who told you that I'm not a lesbian?"

"Melissa, first answer my question."

"Okay! I'll go on a date with you. But just one date!"

"Thanks Melissa. I won't disappoint you," he said, kissing my hand. Ugh, cheesy.

o o o

Jim: I'll collect you at eight. Saturday.

Melissa: Okay.

Jim: Exited?

Melissa: No.

Jim: You're going to love this date!

Melissa: Right..

That dude's really a player. I made my homework and I went downstairs. Hm. Nobody's home.
I went to the refrigerator. Shit! Noting to eat. I closed the refrigerator, and I opened it again. Shit! Still nothing to eat. Life is hard.
I turned the television on. Yes! Adventure time! Life is beautiful.

Stranger: So... You're having a date with mister playboy?

Melissa: I told you, Louis and I are just friends.

Stranger: I meant Jim.

Melissa: Oh that. ;p
Yeah, this Saturday.

Stranger: Why?

Melissa: He begged me. Like for real.

Stranger: And that's why you say yes?

Melissa: No, I said yes because I want to give it a try.

Stranger: He's a player.

Melissa: So was Louis, and I won't take this date serious. So no worries.

Stranger: Promise?

Melissa: Promise.

Wow, Stranger is really protective. Even my dad isn't that protective.

Stranger: Good.

o o o

Today I've got a date with mister playboy. Ugh. That guy needs to get a life or something.
"Melissa, you need to look fine!" Tiana yelled at me, once I had opened the door.

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