Chapter 2

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Violets P.O.V

I've never really felt like I had a purpose in life. I never had something that was destined to happen. But now, I believe it is fate that I save Cayden.

We were driving back to my house in silence. I was shaking slightly, my adrenaline still pumping. He had his hands in his lap and his focus was out the window.

I have tried attempting small talk multiple times but he kept ignoring me. The only thing I have gotten out of him so far is his name.

I'm not quite sure how to handle this. I mean we go to my house then what? Ill tell him to be happy, he magically becomes normal, then spend the day laughing and making friendship bracelets? Not likely.

I pull into my driveway and turn off the car. I don't get out though. We sit in silence for a while. I rack my brain with ways to start a conversation, but keep coming up blank.

"Why?" I decided on.

He doesn't look at me. He doesn't move. He doesn't reply. I sigh in frustration. I'm only trying to help!

I was about to repeat myself when he clears his throat.

"Nobody cares and nobody would notice if I was gone. What's the point in living in a world where nobody even wants you? Where no one would miss you if you were gone?" He said in a monotone voice.

I hold back tears. The pain and self hatred is dripping in every word he says and every expression he shows.

"I'm so s-"

"Do NOT say you are sorry." He growls angrily. "Your pity isn't wanted. I'm not your charity case."

Tears brim my eyes. "That's not what this is. I simply want to help." I whisper.

He shakes his head. "I never asked for it."

I close my eyes and wipe the remaining tears from my face. I take a few deep breaths to calm myself down.

"You have it regardless. Where do I take you?" I say as happily as manageable, which wasnt much.

We traveled all the way to the other side of town- the not so good area. This is the type of neighborhood cars got broken into and gunshots could be heard.

I pull into the house he points at. It's small and beaten up. The siding was caked in dirt and falling off, the roof had a slight dip in it, the grass was long and junk was In his yard.

He begins to get out of the car without a single word. Will I ever see him again? Should I ask what school he is from at least?

"Hey, wait! What school are you from? Do you have a cell phone?" I questioned.

"I'm transferring to Milton Creek tomorrow." he frowns and says uncomfortably.

"I guess ill see you tomorrow then! That's where I go." I say with a smile.

I thought I saw a glint in his eye that maybe meant he was happy to hear that, but more than likely I imagined it. I feel like I have to add on one last thing before I leave.

"Promise me I will see you tomorrow?" I say in a serious tone. I don't want him to try anything stupid between now and then.

He looks at me for a long moment then simply nods his head and walks inside. A slight bit of relief washes through me. I pull out of his driveway and begin on my way home.


The next morning I slowly dragged myself out of bed. Knowing I got to see Cayden today put a smile on my face. I took extra precision going through my normal morning routine.

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