Chapter 4

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Violets P.O.V

Cayden walked into my room and smiled at me. An actual smile! What is he doing here? I don't say anything I just watch him. He strides over to my bed, where I am laying. I sit up to make room for him.

"What are you doing here?" I ask.

He smirks and grabs the side of my face and pulls me close. Our lips meet and- I jolt awake in my bed.

What kind of dream was that?! Why am I fantasizing about kissing Cayden? I never really thought about that stuff around him. The fact that I don't seem too opposed to it worries me.

I glance at the clock on my bedside table to see its only 8am. It's Saturday and I planned on sleeping in a but but I guess that's not going to happen.

I sat up and stretched out my stiff muscles. I slowly went though my morning routine and got myself ready for the day.

I walk downstairs once I'm ready, to find a note on the table. It was from my parents saying they were on a business trip for the next few days. Not even a goodbye in the flesh?

They taped a wad of cash on the note with a simple 'use it wisely'. Right, like they cared.

I decided to go treat myself to breakfast. I don't know what came over me but I drove across town to the Denny's that was in the not so good neighborhood, even though there was a closer one in a nicer area. I subconsciously knew why, but didnt want to admit it.

I ate in the booth by myself watching the customers that came In. He's not going to be here, I don't know why I tried. I finish my meal and when the waiter came back I ordered a stack of pancakes to go.

I was feeling pretty bold lately, I thought to myself while driving to Caydens house.

I pull up to the shabby house and walk to his front door. I do knock this time, unlike my random barge in a few days ago.

Surprisingly the door opens up right away revealing a confused looking Cayden.

"Hey" I say happily, along with a smile.

He nods and grins at me. "Hey" he replied.

I chuckled at the slight awkwardness and began to tell him my reasoning for being here.

"I was in town and had some leftover breakfast and I was just stopping by to see if you wanted it and maybe to hangout today?" I explained

"Uh, sure!" He says and slips on his shoes. He glances at his watch and then widens his eyes. Somethings wrong..

"We have to go, like now!" He rushes out and grabs my arm. He leads me to my car but all I can think about on the walk there is the electric currents his touch gives me.

I don't question his rushing, I just go along with it and drive back to my place.

I turn the AC on; its boiling hot out today. I point to the plastic Denny's box and Cayden nods. He grabs it and opens it up and chuckled.

"What's so funny about pancakes?" I ask.

"You said you had a little leftovers and you randomly decided to stop by." He says.

"Yeah, so?" I question.

"We'll this is obviously a new order judging from the smiley face whipped cream still on it. I think you ordered these specially for me!" He called me out with a grin.

"So what if I did? You're special so you deserve something special." I say quietly.

That shut him up. He looked lost in his own thoughts as he ate the rest of the ride home. What did I say?

I pull into my driveway and tell him to follow me. We walk into my house and I turn to look at him.

I see him gawking a little at the size of my house and the nice things. I mean it's no mansion but it's quite nice.

"Nice place" he comments.

I just nod, not really knowing how to respond to that. I give him a quick tour showing him the kitchen, living room, dining room, loft/ reading lounge, game room, and the basement bar area. Lastly, we go up to my room.

My hand shakes as I turn the door knob. I've never had a boy in my room before! We walk into my bedroom and I can feel he's a little nervous too.

Blush rises in my cheeks as I remember my dream. My room is fairly large and was kept clean. The walls were painted lavender and baby blue. I had black and grey rugs, curtains, comforter, and other decorations.

"Well this is my room. We can put in a movie if you want." I offer.

"Yeah that sounds good." He replies.

"Okay, I have my movies over there on that rack by the tv. There's a ton more in the living room. You pick one out and ill get snacks " I said with a smile.

He nods in reply and makes his way over to the movie rack. I turn and walk downstairs to the kitchen. I put a bag of popcorn in the microwave and then rummage through the cabinets. I find some sour candies and cans of pop.

I pour the popcorn into a bowl and gather up the rest of the food. I really can't believe im hanging out with Cayden. I'm still kinda freaked out from my dream and it's all I can think about when I look at him.

"Okay I brought popcorn, candy, and pop! Should be just like we're at the theatre." I say with a little chuckle.

He laughs with me and replies "sounds great."

The only choices for a good view of my flat screen were the floor and my bed. I see Cayden kind of glance at me in question of where to sit.

I let out the breath I didn't know I was holding and climbed onto my large bed. I place the snacks next to me. Cayden walks around and sits on the other side of the snacks.

"So what movie did you pick?" I ask.

"It's a surprise." He says with a smirk.

I munch on popcorn as I wait for the previews to end. Finally the movie starts and I see its Forrest Gump, one of my favorite movies!

"I love this movie!" I say to him with a smile.

He smirks back "me too, it's one of my favorites of older movies."

We much on snacks and watch the movie together. We voice the parts we know and laugh. It's really nice to just be normal with him.

I reach my hand into the popcorn accidentally at the same time he does. Our fingers meet and I feel a spark Of warmth tingle through me. I feel blush rise to my cheeks and he looks away.

"I'm so sorry" he said, still looking down.

He seemed like that really bothered him. "Cayden, it's okay it's not a big deal at all!" I say and add a reassuring smile.

He nodded but I still feel like he was upset. Taking a deep breath, I reach out and lace my fingers through his. He looks up at me in shock, then grips my hand tighter.

The rest of the movie was spent in a comfortable silence. When the credits rolled across the screen I turned to face Cayden.

"I had fun hanging out with you" he said.

"Who said it had to be over?" I replied and squeezed his hand I was holding.

"You truly are something special Violet Akers." He told me and squeezed my hand back.

He thinks I'm special? Maybe this is a good thing! Maybe I am actually helping him find some happiness! I smile at this thought and at him.

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