Chapter 3

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Cayden's P.O.V

I lie In my bed, my head swimming with thoughts. Just a day ago I was ready to take my life. I was ready to give up on the constant battle I face. Part of me still feels that it would be better for everyone. I just feel wrong doing it now. Like I'd be betraying Violets wishes.

It's not like she cares about me, I think to myself. Why should she? I'm nobody.

'You're somebody to her' my conscience pipes up.

I ignore the thought and roll over in my bed. What am I suppose to do? I feel so confused and frustrated; I don't know why but ever since after school I've had a strong urge to see Violet again.

I bet she's not even thinking about me. She doesn't even care about me she just feels sorry for me. Her kindness is out of pity. A deep sigh escapes my lips and I let sleep overcome me.



The loud noise of glass falling and shattering awoke me. The sound of heavy footsteps stumble around downstairs.

"Boy!" I hear my drunken father shout. Heavy footsteps pounded their way up the stairs.

I knew this was coming. This was my punishment for not falling through with my plan... No pun intended.

This is karma for letting Violet befriend me. Why must I be so stupid? The door to my bedroom swung open and bounced off the wall behind it from the force.

"Why are you here? Ya damn moocher! All I do is provide for you and cater to your needs and you're sitting up in your room when you could be helping out. Go make some money! Go find yourself a bitch to come cook and clean for us! You can't do nothin' right!" He rants, slurring all of his words.

I just sit there in silence like I usually do. I sit there and listen because I know my input only makes it worse. Sometimes the silence does too, though.

"Say something, boy! Why are ya so stupid? Huh? Speak!" He yells.

Before I could even get the chance to say anything his hands are wrapped around my throat. I gag from the tight grip he has on it.

"I guess I outta teach you some manners!" He slurs and throws me to the floor.

Pain ripples through my body as it comes in contact with my wood floors. I don't let out a single yelp of pain though, I'm used to this. The toes of his shoes come flying into my side. I could feel my side burning in pain. Luckily, he missed my ribs.

I'm jerked to a sitting position by my shirt. I receive two hard punches, one in the gut and one to the face. I grunt as his fist comes in contact with my stomach. He tosses me back on my bed.

"That should teach you a lesson" he smirks and stumbles out of my room.

Thankful he is gone I just lay still, afraid of intensifying the pain if I move. I just lay there in agony until I'm finally able to sleep again.

**** Violets P.O.V****

I sit in class 5 minutes before the bell will ring. Why isn't Cayden here? I feel worried. Something isn't right. I get up and walk out before the bell rings.

I quickly search the hallways looking for a familiar handsome face. Once I decide that he's no where to be found, I head out to my car.

The drive to his house seems agonizingly long. I need to make sure he is okay. I can't shake this feeling I have and it gets worse and worse the closer I get.

What if he did it? What if I go there, and I discover his body? Chills run through me and I grip the wheel tighter. Well I've thoroughly freaked myself out!

I pull into his driveway. My heart is beating in my ears. I peek in the small beat up garage to see if anyone else was here.

Taking a deep breath I walk up the steps and knock on the door. About 5 minutes later there is no answer so I opened the door and walked in. Bold move on my part. What's wrong with me?

I tip toe around the small dirty house and look for a sign of Cayden. I walk upstairs slowly, trying not to make a lot of noise. I peek into the first room I see and I find its a small bedroom. It's fairly clean compared to the rest of the house. On the bed I see Cayden lying there. He has bruises and cuts all over his exposed skin.

Is he alive? I wonder. I walk closer and kneel beside him. Looking closely, I can see the rhythmic rise and fall of his chest. Relief and joy fill me.

Tears run down my face that I was unaware I was holding back. They were of happiness though. I lightly rest my hand and forehead on his chest as I silently let out the tears.

I feel a jolt and I look up and he is awake, and staring at me. He looks shocked then angry, and then he noticed my tears and looked upset.

"What's wrong Violet? Are you okay? What are you doing here?" He asked me.

"I thought you had- you know... So I was worried and I came and I was so happy when I saw you alive and I don't know I'm stupid, I can leave if you want..?" I ramble on idiotically.

He smirks, not quite a smile, but it's still progress. I wonder what he is thinking right now...

**** Caydens P.O.V ****

She was worried about me. She cared... How could this be though? I'm nothing worth caring about. I'm a monster!

Seeing her beautiful face wear tears made me want to comfort her. She is something special. She rambles on about why she came and it was very cute. I vow to actually try to get better. Ill let her help me and be here for me.

I smirk at her and I can see the curiosity in her eyes. She gets up and walks out of my room. What? I don't want her to leave! Why Is she doing this?

Before I'm done worrying and being confused she walks back in with frozen peas, a wrapped frozen steak, and a wet cloth. She silently walks towards me and sets the frozen steak on my bruised jaw. I wince in pain, but the coolness sets me at ease.

She then slowly lifts my shirt up. I instantly feel warm and my skin tingles where her hand drags across it. I can tell she felt it too because she is biting her lip.

She searches my chest until she spots the large bruise on my side. She gently places the peas on it. She takes the rag and softly wipes off the dried blood from my face and body.

Having her look after me like this and care for me was the first time In a very long time I felt significant to someone. Like I wasn't so alone. I hope she doesn't walk out of my life like everyone else.

"Thank you" I tell her gratefully.

She smiles the most beautiful smile at me and tips her head. She sits on the edge of my bed next to me. She takes her hand and gently strokes my non injured cheek. This was the most caring and intimate gesture I've received in many years.

What is this girl doing to me? I ask myself.

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