The Night Before

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We talked, we laughed, we cried, all in such a short period of time. I felt my heart lower with each and every passing moment, watching my friends for what could be the last time. Everyone was just so nice to me...and I had to go and ruin that?

"Crona, are you okay?" Maka asked from beside me. I looked at her and quickly nodded.
"Yeah." I didn't want to worry her. She gave me a Not so sure you are telling the truth look and handed me a brownie.

I jumped back as he fell to the ground with a pool of blood spreading around his head. Maka blew steam off of her book and sat back down calmly. She looked down at her hands before speaking again.
"Crona, I am sure you will be okay. Keep in touch with us though." She said, her voice slightly quivering.
"I will." I promised. It came out a lot softer and quieter than I had expected. The room stayed quiet for an awkward amount of time. Even more so with Black Star temporarily knocked out.
"It's nearly ten O'clock and he has to get up early tomorrow so we can do what we want to do. Maybe we should head home." Liz said as she carefully filed her nails.
"One more hour," Kid crossed his arms. "Father may not like me coming home late, but I'm sure he can make an exception." He said as he glanced at me.
"Yeah," Liz sighed. "So Crona, are you already packed?"
I nodded knowing I only had a few things.
"Good, because Patty and I are planning on taking you shopping before your plane leaves." She said happily. Patty giggled in the background. 

A plane...I have never been on a plane before...

"Thank you." I said, smiling for the first time in a while. It means so much to know they really care about me.
"Of course Crona." Liz and Patty smiled widely.
I felt eyes water up even more. I didn't want to cry, I wanted to spend the rest of my time having fun. Just as a tear was about to drop, I nearly had a heart attack as Ragnarok jumped out from behind me. Literally.
"I'm going to miss your food!" He signaled to Tsubaki as he grabbed a dish and swallowed it whole.
"Glad to hear that." Tsubaki tilted her head and smiled sweetly. 
"I uh, I have to use the restroom." I said quickly as I hurried out of the room.
"You better hurry back!" Ragnarok beat my head. I am still hungry!"
He slithered back into my back as I closed the door of the bathroom behind me, locking the lock on the doorknob. I took a seat on the lid of the toilet and covered my face with my hands, sobbing quietly. I didn't want to alienate myself from my friends, but I needed a break. I stood up and looked at myself in the mirror. The dimly lit room made my shadow dance as more tears found their way to the floor. Tonight was going to be a hard one. I would be moved to someplace full of people I didn't know. I would have little contact with any of my friends. I would be alone. Again.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 10, 2016 ⏰

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