Chapter 11.

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Authors note: I have to keep time passing because if not this story will never end and there's about three more years I have to cover.

Damon's parents were right about Damon being away a lot. He's been gone for the past five days for a football tournament held in Hawaii. He gets back in tonight and they have another game Saturday which will be Georgia State's Homecoming.
I can't wait to see Damon.
Saturday will be the first football game of his that I go to. I was so busy getting caught up with school which I finally did, that I never got the chance to come support him. It's the first week of November and I'm counting down the days until my 18th birthday.
Keke has spent a lot of time here. She has became a good friend of mine. She's coming with me to the game.

I do believe my cooking is improving. I've been cooking a lot and watching a lot of cooking shows. Right now I'm making Damon's favorite BBQ ribs, mac n' cheese and a side salad.
"Johanna," I hear Damon call coming in the house.
"In the kitchen," I reply and he comes walking in looking exhausted but he smiles walking over to me. I smile extra hard as he pulls me into his arms his lips meet mine. His hands find my butt and lift me into his arms. He sits me on the counter and our lips never leave each other. We've been dating for five months now and I'm not gonna lie we're both having a hard time keeping our hands to ourselves.
My hands slide up his shirt and over his abs. His hands drop to my thighs. I should wear more clothes but I enjoy his attention, so I wear shorts and leggings but also because they're so comfortable. As I feel the urge to open my legs for him I pull back.
"I'm happy you're home," I whisper looking deep into his eyes and putting his shirt back down.
"Y'all should really lock your door," Damon's best friend Justin comes walking into the kitchen.
"I just got in J what you doing here," Damon asks as I hop down from the counter.
"Yeah you can't just come walking into someone's home. You get got like that," I tease and he laughs.
"I honestly came for a home cooked meal. I didn't mean to interrupt Damon finally getting some though," Justin jokes.
"Some what," I ask joking.
"Some barbecue ribs," Justin answers teasingly and laughs but Damon shakes his head.
"Don't try to tease me because you got a crush on your best friend and it don't look like you ever gonna get nothing more than a hug my dude," Damon jokes back causing me to laugh.
"That's messed up," Justin replies. "Did you make enough for me JoJo?" I nod and make him a plate.

I wake up being lifted.
"Damon," I groan opening my eyes. He's shirtless in a pair of gray sweatpants. I'm only wearing one of his shirts and a pair of boy shorts it's the way I've slept since he left for Hawaii and it's kind of become a habit. "Where are you taking me?"
"I've missed you Johanna," he states holding me close. "I want you to sleep in the bed with me." He carries me into his room and lays me on his bed. I sit up with him standing over me. I lean my head back looking up into his eyes.
"You couldn't have woken me up and asked me if I wanted to sleep with you," I ask and he shrugs his shoulders with a smile.
"You were sleeping so beautifully I didn't want to wake you," he states. I smile and roll my eyes playfully.
"I tried waiting up for you but you wanted to play the game with Justin," I say.
"He says he quote on quote missed his best friend," Damon states making me laugh.
"I missed my boyfriend," I say and pull him down to the bed with him over me. His lips find mine and his arms wrap around me. I feel so protected in his arms. I wrap my legs around him enjoying the feel of him.
Moans leave my lips as he grinds into me and his lips leave mine and kiss down my neck. He slides off my shirt not knowing I'm not wearing a bra. His eyes drop to my breast. I don't even feel uncomfortable I feel good. Which is so surprising to me.
Damon hands me back his shirt and I put it back on.
"You're not making things easy on me, Johanna," he groans. I lay back on his bed as he lays behind me. We're spooning and I can feel his third leg against my butt. I turn over and face him.
"Do you want me," I ask it comes out more seductive than planned.
"I want you mentally, physically and emotionally," he pauses looking deep into my eyes. "Johanna, you're not ready for the way that I want you," he states. I bite my bottom lip looking into those kind brown eyes of his.

I've never seen Damon play. I honestly don't know what to expect. I take a seat in the stands with Keke.
"He's number sixteen," I say feeling a bit nervous.
"We all know Damon's number with his sexy ass," someone says from behind me. I turn around and see some random sitting behind me with a group of girls.
"Anyways," I roll my eyes and turn back around. Keke laughs while shaking her head.
"You're too much," Keke states.
"I don't have time for groupies," I say and she bumps my shoulder trying o get me to quiet down. "I'm just saying."
"Excuse you sweetie come direct," the girl says from behind me after tapping my shoulder.
"I thought I did because you know I was talking about you," I say and she smacks her teeth.
"Johanna," Keke whispers and shakes her head. "Stop. You're not from here they don't fight fair."
"I'm just here to support Damon," I groan.
The announcer announces all the players as they make there big entrance onto the field. When he says, "Number sixteen Damon Wallace!" I stood to my feet cheering louder than anyone else.
"Mom look it's Johanna!" I look up seeing Kobe and Damon's parents. They all come and take a seat beside me.
"Hey," I say and hug all three of them. "How are you Mrs. Wallace?"
"Johanna, you don't have to call me Mrs. Wallace anymore I love the amount of respect you have but call me Gina or Mama, whichever makes you comfortable."
"Call me Calvin," Mr. Wallace request. "I've been telling you that for the last two years."
"Sorry," I say and laugh. "This is my friend Keke." Keke waves.
"My name starts with a K too," Kobe states moving and sitting between Keke and I.
"Boy I'm half your age," Keke replied laughing causing me to laugh too.
"He gets that from his father," Damon's mother states.
"I got you didn't I," Damon's father replies.
"Ooo," Kobe and I say and laugh.
Our conversation is interrupted as the announcer announces, "interception by number sixteen Damon Wallace. First down Panthers." Everyone cheers. Our conversation slows as we get more into the game. A whistle blows and the boys spread out across the field Damon takes off towards the end zone and turns around just in time to catch the ball and get a touch down.
"Woo!!!" The whole crowd goes wild. I notice Damon's parents are wearing a jersey with Damon's name and number on it just like me.
"I didn't know he was this good," I admit and his parents nod.
"He doesn't brag about it. He doesn't even want to go pro and they've been interested in drafting him into the NFL since his freshman year," Damon's Dad explains catching my full attention.
"Why not," I ask.
"He wants to be a lawyer I guess it's in his blood," he answers. "I told his mother to stop reading those law books while she was pregnant with him."
"Well I got tired of watching basketball and football 24/7," she argues and we all laugh. My eyes look around the field finding Damon quickly and he keeps my attention for the rest of the game.

"I'm starving," I admit as we head down the road towards downtown. Damon is gonna meet us at wherever we choose to have dinner.
"Can we have ice cream," Kobe asks.
"After dinner," Mrs. Wallace answers.
"I want some BBQ wings I don't care where we go as long as that's on the menu," Mr. Wallace states.
"That sounds good to me," I admit and Keke nods in agreement.

Downtown is packed. Filled with teenagers drinking, partying and some even arguing about the game. Kobe looks around with big eyes especially at the girls in their short dresses and skirts.
"No more MTV or BET for you. Boy you are too young and growing up too fast," Mrs. Wallace fusses. Kobe smacks his teeth and Mr. Wallace smacks him in the back of his head for being disrespectful.
"Best Wings is really good," Keke admits as we approach the restaurant.
We walk in and it's not too packed so we get sat by the host quickly.

Damon comes waltzing into Best Wings with a group of people following behind him. I didn't tell him to invite the whole football team. They all fill up the booths around us.
"You know if I dated white boys I'd tell you to hook me up with Justin," Keke admits making me laugh.
"Eww. He's like an annoying brother," I admit. "Plus, I feel like he's Damon's second girlfriend because I alway have to share Damon with him. They're always playing football or basketball or watching it on tv," I say as they come walking up. I watch Damon and Justin hug Damon's parents and Kobe.
"Hey birthday girl," Justin says as they finally get to me.
"I still have seven more days," I say and he shrugs his shoulders.
"It's your week girl," Keke states bumping my shoulder. "We have to go to the club you'll love it down here."
"I have her birthday already planned out," Damon states taking a seat beside me. I smirk looking into his brown eyes.
"What would that be," I ask and he smiles and shrugs his shoulders.
"You'll have to wait and see," he states and pecks my lips. "But I do plan to have you all to myself." He pecks my lips again.
"You'll finally be legal. We all know what y'all gonna be doing," Justin jokes and Mr. Wallace laughs. I blush slightly embarrassed.
Honestly, I've thought about it.

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