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Nobody's POV

They walked to the castle in silence. When they gat to the infirmary they floated the kids down to beds and called Mrs.Pomfrey. She came to them with a mad face and they gulped when they saw it," What are you calling me for. You ruined my midday knitting ( Sorry I don't know what she does in her free time) " She yelled.

The Marauders and Lily gulped and paled as they shakily pointed to the kids. Mrs. Pomfrey's face softened and she ran over to them.

"What happened to them? My, their only children!" She whispered as she touched Ron's face which was contracted in pain.

"Wouldn't you think we would've already told you, Poppy" James said smirking, Lily and Remus facepalmed in the background.

"Do not call me Poppy, Potter! It's Mrs.Pomfrey to you!" She yelled but immediately quieted down when the strangers moved. She quickly muttered a spell to check what was wrong with them.

"Well they all have minor concussions and some sore muscles but the boy with the glasses......." Mrs.Pomfrey said hesitantly, Deep sorrow and fear on her face.

"What's wrong him?" Remus asked fearing the answer.

"Can you go get Professor Dumbeldore please, Mr. Lupin" she asked still looking at the black-haired boy. Remus nodded and left.

After 10 minutes of worried silence, Professor Dumbeldore who was followed not far behind by Remus walked through the door and said," Mr.Lupin here has told about the children" he said.

"Yes but albus the blacked-hair boy there looks like has had many horrible things happened to him" Madam Pomfrey said sadness in her voice.

She walked over to the boy and took of his robe and shirt. Everyone gasped at what they saw, the boy who couldn't be over 11 years old had multiple scars across his chest and some on his arms.

The most horrifying thing was that some of them looked like abuse scars ( this is a story where the Dursleys abuse Harry I know it's sad and I'm sorry but I'm trying to add drama :/ ) and there was sickly one on his arm that looked as if a giant animal had bit him and that wasn't the worst part it looked like it was only a few weeks old (this is where the basilisk bit Harry ).

They were shocked at what kind of sick human being would do this to a small child.

They were shaken out of their sadness when the boy opened his eyes. He had big beautiful emerald eyes which looked as if they had seen horrible things. The boy looked at them in fear and suspicion. He opened his mouth and whispered, "Hello?"


There's your promised chapter everyone!!!

I made it longer than usual as you can see

Hoped you liked it :)


~ Magictwist377


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