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Well here is the update



Nobody's POV

The once happy and funny conversation died down as Severus Snape came in front of them. James and Sirius scowled and glared at him, Lily smiled and waved and Harry, Ron and Hermione just looked confused.

"Severus! Hi there you are, you're late!" Lily said smiling as Severus sat next to her.

"What are you doing here, Snivellus!" James said growling.

Severus glared back then smirked and said," Actually Lily invited me here, something about a life changing thing she wanted to tell me about." James mumbled under his breath and shoved a handful of bacon it his mouth and continued glaring at Severus.

Lily explained to him the events of yesterday and that morning. Severus expressions were quite hilarious to watch, he went from confusion to shock to disbelief the to shock again then to horror from hearing upon the scars on such a young boy.

The greatest reaction was when Harry's parentage was revealed and let me tell you it was not good........

(I was literally going to stop there but never mind you all deserve a nice long chapter, so continue!!!)

Severus face went from shock to pure anger, he stood up abpubtley and yelled,"YOUR SON!!! Your son! How could you go and create that thing with potter-head!!" He said glaring at Harry (I know it's mean, deal with it)

James, Siruis, Remus, Harry and Ron rocketed up, glaring at him with killer looks. Lily and Hermione gasped while Peter stayed seated to scared to take on an angry Severus. "How dare insult my son!!! You big-nosed git!" James said pulling out his wand.

Severus scowled at him and stomped away, but James wasn't done yet he muttered a color-changing spell at Severus and his hair turned bright pink with purple polka dots. Everyone smirked at the vibrant display.

"Good job, prongs! Snape deserves a push back into his place!" Sirius said laughing. Hermione gasped which made everyone turn to her, "Snape!?!?! That's it, he's Professor Snape, that's why he looked so familiar!" Hermione exclaimed.

Ron and Harry face darkened with recognition, but everyone else was shocked.

"Snivellus working in Hogwarts! Do tell." Siruis said raising an eyebrow.

Harry frowned and said,"Yup he's a Professor. He hates everyone in the school especially me. Something about him hating dad, I think."

Everyone frowned and nodded, Remus looked at Peter as if looking for a signal and Peter nodded (HINT!!! HINT!!) Remus opened his mouth to speak but was inturrepted by a panicked looking James.

"Oh no! I'm late for my quidditch practice!!" James yelled urgently and that's when everyone noticed his Gryffindor Quidditch uniform was already on.

"Hey dad can I come too!" Harry said exited about seeing his dad play. James nodded and smiled as Harry came running to him.

Everyone jumped up and asked the same questions which James just shrugged too. They all walked to the field listening to Harry and James talk about broom types. The day was cold but with their robes everyone was warm.

The team only had 6 players because all the others where back in their own homes. They watched James play and catch the snitch twice. When the team was talking, James turned to Harry and said,"Harry come here for a minute!"

Harry looked as confused as the other team members but went over anyway ,"James who is he?" Leo Renolds, one of the beaters, asked raising an eyebrow at the 12 year old.

"He's a ....... um relative? Anyways soooo Harry you're a seeker, Right? Well I want to see how good you are and if you say yes I'll let not be on the receiving side of my pranks for a week, deal?" James said holding out his hand.

Harry smirked," Deal" he grabbed James broom and went up in the sky with his friends cheering for him.

It was mostly quite as all the others were interested in seeing how good his friends said he was. "Okay good luck Harry! Snitch going up in 1..... 2......3!" Leo yelled as he released the snitch.

Harry raced at it with Ron and Hermione cheering. In a tremendous dive he caught the it, the snitch fluttering helplessly in his hands.

Everyone's mouth was dropped open with bid round shocked eyes. "3 minutes. 3 minutes!!! Thats a school record!!" Sirius yelled from the stands.

James and his teammates all were gaping at Harry as he walked over them smirking. "Did I impress you all?" Harry said sarcastically, almost laughing at the looks he gat,'Haha they look like fish with big eyes' (I laughed so hard when I wrote this!) .

"H-How did you g-get it so fast?!?!" James said staring at his son with wonder and pride. "Wow! James we might just kick you out and replace you with him!" Leo said looking at the other Potter. The team laughed and he announced practice ended.

The rest of the day the group spent in the common room talking, playing board games, finishing homework and listening to stories.

The clocked chimed midnight just like it had the night before and Lily ordered everyone to bed just like she had the night before (See what I did there! No.... Oh ...ok). They crawled to their warm beds with satisfied smiles on their faces.

At 2:34 a.m the door to the boys dormitories opened and closed. Two figures slipped silently out and tiptoed down the steps, not wanting to wake anyone up.

They were Remus and Peter and they hastily sat on the sofa as quite as mice. The bright golden light of the fire lighting up their faces. "You ready?" Peter asked Remus which he nodded to.

"Let's begin part one of our plan, shall we!" Remus whispered. Peter smirked and nodded.

Peter said aloud in his head,'Our plan has begun, part one: Those kids!'


Oh no a cliffhanger! I'm so evil!!! 😈

What's the plan? Only my freind and I know! Muhahaha

I'll try to update on November 19th or 21st, somewhere in the middle



~ Magictwist377


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