What seemed like an eternity of tears, boredom, and pain, actually only equated to one hour. Though on that thought- what was up with Feli? Was he actually ill? Or was he stayingin bed all day, texting? I glanced over at Emma and sighed.
"'Sup?" She asked.
"Nothing." I murmered, as I finished off the last question on the sheet.
"No, that sigh does not warrant a 'nothing', young man. What's up?" The lady laughed, so I opened up a little.
"It's nothing big... I just get really jealous easily." I muttered vaugley.
"Emma. You're not my therapist."
"Well, I am a responsible adult."
"Woah." I said sarcastically. "I wouldn't go that far.
"Okay, fine. But all that aside I am your friend and I need to know what's bothering you."
"Fine. So... ah, where to begin?" I murmered while in thought. "So basically, at the party the other night, I met this guy-"
"What guy?"
"Fine, continue."
"Okay, so at the party Feli also met a guy- who I told you about."
"Look, I'm just mildly angry with the fact that Feli left with his guy's number who he's probably texting right now, and all I know is my guy's first name. I don't even know if I'll ever see him again."
"Hey, hun, shhhh. It's okay." Emma whispered as she ran her hands reassuringly through my hair. "I'm sure he'll be at another party!"
I scoffed. "But what if he's not? It was the first time I've ever seen him before."
A silence fell between us.
"Lovino, do you believe in fate?"
"Then I'll believe for you."
"Fratellooo..." A hoarse voice called down the corridoor. Had it not been my brother's whining catchphrase, I probably would have been scared, but the Italian word was fammiliar to me.
"Yes?" I called back, poking my head around the doorway to see the small frame of my brother huddled under many blankets.
"Can you sit with me? I'm so lonely."
I sighed, but waked into the room anyways, sitting cross-legged on the carpet next to the sofa. I raised my eyebrows when he smiled weakly at me.
"Can't you just text your friend?" I muttered warily.
"Yeah, him."
"He's in a meeting- it's funny because he said he didn't want to leave me."
"That's sweet." I smiled- or tried to smile- but I'm sure it came out more passive-agressive than intended.
"Is something wrong with that?" Feliciano asked, with a slight tone of spite kicking in.
"No, nothing's wrong." I said, tight lipped and brows furrowed. "It's just- look- I don't know."
"Lovi?" Came a worried plea.
"Yeah?" I muttered.
"What's wrong?"
"Nothing, Feli. I love you, you know?"
Eyes like bubbly (Spamano/Gerita)
FanfictionWhen your only options are the posh people you're paired with, who wouldn't pick that Spaniard over there?