Chapter Eleven

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"Whoa, this place is huge!" I say as we're at the front doors of the building.

"Yeah, you should see the library." My eyes go wide.

"There's a library?!" He nods.

"Yup, and there's so many books. I usually come here to get some pice and quiet. I also do my homework here."

"You go to school?"

"Yeah, I go to high school in California." I wonder if I should ask him if he can come to my high school when school starts? No that would be selfish of me. "What school do you go to here?"

"I go to Sir Maxwell."

"Hmm, I don't think I've been there?"

"Want me to show you the place? It's really big in my case." I ask as we arrive at the library.

"That will be great." He said as he teleports to the big red old fashioned couch for one person. "Come here, I want to shown you something." He says as he teleports to me and grabs my waist, the next thing I knew was that I was on his lap siting on the couch with him. I feel my face flush.

"W-What did you want to show me?" I ask stuttering. He smiles and picks up a book from the floor.

"This book tells us about our powers to teleport, and look at page 17 it's really cool." I grab the book from his hands and flip to the page and start reading it

Secret Powers Between Partners:
Partners after they have met for a few days would gradually start getting a power they poses only, although some times different groups of Partners would have the same power if it's a common power. There has been stories that if two enemy groups (greens and blues) were to become Partners they would have all the powers of each other's group within them so the argument between both would stop.

"Whoa, so you think that's us?" I ask getting over of my embarrassment of sitting on his lap. He's so cozy, I could fall asleep in his chest with his arms around me.

"Maybe, who else would it be, I never heard of stories of our family being with the "greens" as a Partner." He tells me.

"Well I don't think so ether, but I just barely found out so I don't know." I respond. He nods.

"Yeah that would makes sense." He responds.

"So the people that lived here where like us?"

"Apparently. I'll have to do some research on this house to find out." He responds.

"Well, do you wasn't to go to my school and see it?"

"Yeah, that would be great." Wait what if people think I'm crazy for talking to myself because they can't see Jordan?!

"People are going to think I'm nuts." I say softly but Jordan still hears it.

"Why?" He asks.

"Because they can't see you..."

"Oh, about that I forgot to mention, that's only if you don't want them to see you, although it doesn't work for other people like us."

"Makes sense." He nods as I get off his lap. He stands up but as soon as he did he grabs me in a hug and teleport to the front doors of the house.

"Lead the way, my lady." I blush lightly as we start walking out of the houses property. We were walking for about two minutes until we were disrupted by a group of girls from my school.

"Hey, Celeste. Who's that hottie next to you? It can't be a friend of yours can it?" I try to hide behind Jordan. "Awe, you too shy again? I bet he just pitied you for being so childish." The five girls walk up to us. The leader of the group walks up to Jordan and grabs his shirt seductively and gets really close to him, I feel a bang of jealousy and sadness in me. I'm no match for them. "So do you want to go out and have a desert with us? Or do you what to do something else?" She says her chest almost touching his chest.

"First of all, I am a friend of Celeste, a very close friend." Just a friend? Why does this make me so sad? "What's the word you guys call it? Oh yes, a BOYFRIEND. And secondly, no I don't pity her, because I'm proud of her in many ways like the fact that we found each other." I'm so relived he thinks of me that way, It makes me feel so happy and warm inside. I grab his shirt from behind him and lay my forehead on his back. "And no thank you on the invite I'm busy with MY Celeste so you can ask someone else."

The girls pout but the one talking, known as Larinda just looks out right pissed off. She turns on her heal and stomps off with her little "army" on her trail. After they have left I was still clutching onto Jordan's shirt. "Hey, you okay?" He ask me. Am I? I don't know, he made me so happy that he protected me. I nod into his back. I let go of him and start walking to the school. "Celeste? He walks next to me and grabs my hand. "Are you sure?"

" first I was worried that you wouldn't defend me...but when you did it makes me so happy." I say to him as I turn to him stoping in my tracks and smile lightly.

"Do they do this to you often?" I say nothing, I just lower my gaze so I couldn't se his eyes. "Answer me."

"...Yeah..." Is all it took for him to walk up to me and grab my face.

"Tell me next time okay?" He said as he pecs my lips with a small kiss.


"Now then do you still want to go?" He asks with concern.

"Yeah, I still what to show you my school." He smiles and grabs my hand in his as we walk to my school.

A few minutes later we arrive at the school, we sit down on the tables outside for students with open lunch. "Well this is my school. Smaller than yours I guess?" He smirks.

"Yeah, Your school is like three fourths of mine. Must be nice not having so much people in one place."

"Yeah, it kinda is now that I think about it." I say as we sit there just talking about random stuff about each other. "So yeah, that's how come I try to hide my face from everyone at school."

"Why didn't you tell the teacher?" I ask.

"Because the teacher/counselor is the girls mother."

"That tough."

"Yeah." He says smiling. "Well we should he'd back, its already 6:00 pm." Jordan says as he looks at his phones screen.

"Really?!" I say standing up and bumping my knees on the cement table with the non removable chairs that are connected to it. "Ouch!" I sit back down and start rubbing on my aching knees.

"You okay?!" He tells me as he's smiling to himself.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Well I should be going. Let's walk to the house so I can go back to Rome. Not that I mind spending my time with you if you'd like."

"I understand, and of course I like spending time with you." He tells me as he stands up and walks to the sidewalk, I stand up slowly and walk/limp next to him. "Here, get on my back."

"No I'm fine really."

"Not the way that your limping your not."

"It's just a minor pain, it'll be gone by the end of tomorrow." I say limping lightly in front of him so we could continue to walk. I was about to tell him 'See I can walk fine' but I felt to arms grab me and pick me up from the floor. "Jordan?! What are you doing?!" I ask flustered.

"Taking you to the house of course. What else silly?" He says as he kisses me on lips. Its took me by surprise but I kissed him back any way. We are dating in his terms. Wait?! He said we are dating, are we?!

"Uh, Jordan? Are we girlfriend and boyfriend?" I ask as my cheeks get red. I look up and see him blush lightly.

"Yeah, we are, but we're even more than that. Were Partners for life." He says as he kisses me in the forehead this time.

"Yay, that's what I was hoping for."

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