The Cops of the 15 Division

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Nick Carter

Nick had dated Jamie Porter before he went to Iraq. Just before leaving they got engaged but Nick broke it off the day he left.  So she wouldn't be lonely if he was to get killed in Iraq. Jamie and Nick agreed that when he returned they would try to start over again. Nick still had feelings for her. Shortly after he returned from Iraq, he decided that he wanted to be a Police Officer. Once he passes his test, he was appointed to the 15 division. He discovers that he and Jamie will be working together.

Jamie Porter

Jamie grew up in a blue collar family. Her Grandpas and Grandmas were involved in Law enforcement, her parents are cops and Jamie and her brother Jason were expected to follow in their parents footsteps. Her and Nick's relationship was stronger than ever. After finding out that he would have to go to Iraq in a couple months, Nick proposed to Jamie. The day Nick left for Iraq; he broke off the engagement to Jamie. He didn't want her to wait around if he wasn't going to come back. After nick left, Jamie became bitter, cold and a bitch. It got worse when Nick came to the 15 division. 

Sean Ryan

Sean has been a cop for a while. Some might consider him a veteran. After a couple years on the job he was promoted to a training officer. This job would require him to take rookies and train them. But when he had to take Andy Shay to train, He soon gets feelings for her. But there was one problem; she is dating Detective Trent O'Callahan. 

Andy Shay

Andy followed in her dad's footsteps on becoming a cop. While in the Academy she starts to fall head over heels for Detective Trent O'Callahan. She and Trent began dating. After a couple of months she graduated from the academy, she began to work at the 15 division. After she started to train with Sean Ryan, she developed feelings for Sean. After finding it out her soon discovers that Trent was cheating on her with another detective. She then focuses on her career.

Luke Bocox

 At age 17, Luke began to date Reagan. After he was 20 it was time to leave the small town to go be a cop in the city. When he told Regan that he was leaving, she didn't want to leave and didn't want anything to do with him. But shortly after Luke left Reagan, she found out that she was pregnant. Luke would go two years before meeting his two year old son Miles. Luke and Reagan began to work things out to become a family Luke was given a choice to go back where they grew up and leave the 15 division or only see his son when Reagan wanted him too. 

Chloe McBride 

 Chloe just wanted a better life with her son Oakley and her boyfriend Detective Kyle Wood. The day of their third year anniversary, Kyle proposed. Shortly after proposing he was stabbed in the lower abdomen. He shortly died in the hospital.  Oakley and Chloe were devastated, as was the whole 15 division. Chloe was determined to become a detective.

Love, Secrets and Cops: Drama in the Fifteen DivisionWhere stories live. Discover now