Andy and Sean Scare

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Andy POV 

I love my life especially waking up to Sean. All of sudden when we are lying in bed when his phone rings and he answered it and the only thing he said, "I will be there soon."

"What's wrong babe?" I said turning on my side and resting my head on my hand.

"Andy, I have to go to the station. Chloe wants to practice shooting and I have to finish paper work. You want to come with or if you want after I finish I will run back home to get you." Sean suggested with his arm crossed in front of his bare chest.

"Babe go in, I will walk there alright. See you at work. I love you! But can we do it one more time quickly." I said with a smile on my face.

Sean had a big smile and lean in and said, "No! But tonight I will make it up to you!" As he was leaving, he gave me a true, long and blissful kiss. He walked out the door.

I got up and took a shower, got ready and started my walk to the station.

Sean POV 

Lying in bed with Andy is like being in heaven. I love when we are together she makes me complete. All of a sudden I hear my phone ringing. Really Shit, I can never catch a break or never have time alone with Andy.

It was Chloe she wanted to practice shooting with me. But being the good guy I am, I went any way. I get ready and kiss Andy and left.

As arrive I see Chloe in the shooting range, "Hey Chloe! You are here early did you drop Oakley off with his Dad so you can practice." I asked.

"Yeah! I had to if I wanted to work on my shot! Thanks for coming in early to help me. Where is Andy?" Chloe asked.

"You're Welcome. She is getting ready and is walking here because she didn't want two cars here. But also she likes to walk on a nice day." I said.

Yes, wonderful my beautiful girlfriend is here. I ran over to her and kissed her. We talked for a little bit.

"Babe, I have to go get ready for shift. I will see you at roll call and your coffee will be ready. Love you!" I said.

"Thanks babe! I love you and see you later!" Andy said 


Chief said, "Guys we have to be careful today, do your jobs and make the arrested you to make. But most important please be safe."

Andy and Sean got into their squad started their shift. The radio is at normal speed.

Radio: "1504, we have ADW at Apartment 4 at the Wyatt complex. Do you copy?"

1504: "This is 1504 and we are 10-17 to the scene."

As they arrive at the apartment nobody is there so Sean leads into apartment and Andy is behind. They spilt up to check the room when all of a sudden Sean hears a pop. He goes over to Andy side and sees the gunman. His gun is on the ground Sean tackled him and cuffed him.

Sean grabs his radio and said, "We have officer down with a possible gunshot wound but no blood thinking it is stuck in the vest. We need a 10-5 (ambulance requested)."

"Andy don't move it could be stuck in your vest. Stay still and stay calm. Ambulance is on its way. Babe it is going to be okay. Stay with me. Do you feel like there is blood anywhere on you?" Sean said nervously.

"Babe, on my right shoulder, I feel something dripping. Did you call for back up yet?" Andy said as she cried.

All of a sudden Luke and Chloe arrive. Shortly after Luke takes the gunman to the car, the paramedics show up. Sean throws the keys at Chloe and told her to take the lady to their car and bring her and their car to the station because he was going to ride in the ambulance. Sean is so worried about Andy because she has never experienced anything like this before. By this time they have arrived at the hospital. Doctors are working quickly to take off the uniform but suddenly they cut the uniform except they have to take the bullet proof vest off because they can't cut it, so Sean takes it off for them and takes off her belt. By this time he is asked to wait in the waiting room while she is in surgery and the Chief is already sitting there waiting for the news. He sits there with Chief holding her vest and belt.

The doctor walks out to were Sean and the Chief are sitting and says, "She made it out of surgery fine she lost a little blood but will have a full recovery within the week. But under no circumstances may she return to work for at least two weeks. I am suggesting that she takes Physical Therapy to regain some movement in the shoulder. We will put her in a sling for two weeks. She asked if could see Sean Ryan."

Sean got up and followed the doctor to the room. When he saw her, he ran over and gave her a kiss.

Sean asked, "How do you feel? I will take the rest of the week off to help you."

Andy said, "I have never been better!" She said sarcastically, "Alright but how soon can I return to work?"

Sean answered, "Not for two weeks but you also have to do physical therapy."

Andy said, "Alright! Can you stay with me until I get release?" As she extended her hand he slips his hand into hers.

Sean said, "Yes I will babe!" She began to doze off.

The Doctor walked in and said, "She will be release tomorrow morning. But she will sleep soundly tonight because of the medicine we gave her. You are welcome to stay with her but she won't wake up until the morning. So you can go to the waiting room to tell everyone that is here, that they can go home."

So Sean got up and walked out to the waiting room to see Chloe, Luke, Ryan, Matt, Jamie, Nick and the chief sitting there waiting for news.

Sean says, "Guys she will be out for two weeks. She is sleeping and will be release in the morning. I will not be at work for the rest of the week also. She has to take Physical Therapy for about three weeks but she will be fine. "

Everyone gets up and individually to give Sean a hug and walk away. But he gives Chloe, Andy's belt including her gun and vest and he also gives his stuff to her and  so she can drop it off at their apartment.As everyone leaves, he walks back to Andy's room and sit there. He fell asleep, until he woke up to Andy wondering why she can't leave yet. Sean woke up and tried to calm her down. After the doctor tells her he wants to see her in two weeks and tells her about the treatment. They get ready to go home. But there is one problem Sean doesn't have a car. So Sean has to call the Chief, for him to pick them up. Andy really wants to go to work,and she also wants Sean to go back so she can be independent.Her two weeks go by with a lot of tears,pain and question for the bastard who did this to her. After the doctor cleared her to go back to work, Sean drives her over to the station to give the chief her papers to let her  back on the job. She and Sean go into roll call, everybody is happy to see them back. The chief takes her paper works after roll call and Andy asked, "Where is the bastard that shot me, Chief?" She said very angry.

Sean butted in, "Andy are ready to face him?"

"Yeah, Sean I  am okay. I want to talk to him." Andy said sternly.  

"Alright Andy, he is over at the county jail. Charge with assault with a deadly weapon and attempted murder on a cop. Andy I advise you to go with Sean. Please don't do anything stupid." Chief said.

Andy met with her attackered and showed him who was boss. Sean had to sit in with her and the attacker so that she wouldn't do anything stupid. But all Sean wanted to do was bash his head against the table a couple of times 

Everything was back to normal and Sean and Andy couldn't wait to go home and just lay there with  each other.

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