Nick and Jamie Love is Tested

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Nick ​POV

Ever since Miles stayed the night here. Jamie wants a kid and she doesn't care if we are married or not. So we have been trying almost every week except when she has her period. I mean I should get sick of it but I am not I mean I'm getting a lot more attention lately. Because if I am not up to having sex we don't but what guy isn't up to having sex. I just love her so much!! I can't believe I let her go last time. I must have been high when I did that.

Jamie ​POV

I get up every morning cross off my calendar. Another day goes by with no period. So I get ready for work and get Nick out of bed so he could get ready for work. While I am waiting for him to finish up I texted Chloe, "Chloe meet me in the Women's locker room when you get there and bring a pregnancy test and tell Andy! Love you! Keep this between ​us three!!"

Shortly after sending that text. Chloe responds, "WTF??? Explain Now!!!"

I responded, "Tell you all about it when we get there,"

I hear footsteps coming down the stairs, so I quickly tuck my phone in my purse. 

"Finally Nick you're ready! I have waited forever babe, sometimes I think you're the women of this house and I am the man. You take too much damn time watching yourself in the mirror!" I said exaggerated.

"I'm sorry babe!! I love you!! Nick said.

We finally arrive at work and I see Andy and Chloe waiting outside the locker room. We rush in and Chloe walks us through the process. I am so nervous and if I am pregnant when will I tell Nick. 

Chloe says, "We have the results of the test." 

I pop up and say, "What is the answer?" 

Andy holds on to me and then Chloe says, "Well if I am reading these right two blue lines mean you're pregnant, right?" 

"Oh my fucking God, I am fucking pregnant!" I said really loud. 

Andy and Chloe gave me a hug and said, "Congratulations!! We should get ready for roll call." 

__________________________After roll call Nick and I get into the squad car. Our talk is usual. 

All of the sudden the Radio says, "1505, CP ( complaining party) at 25 Main Street , call from the neighbor." 

Nick says to the radio, "1505 is enroute to 25 Main Street 

When Nick and Jamie arrive at the party, they usher people out of the house. Nick went to usher people when he hears a commotion over by Jamie and then sees, a drunk lady put her hand on her shoulder, Jamie whips it off. 

Drunk lady says, "You want to fight bitch!" 

Jamie laughs and says, "You really going to fight a cop." 

The drunk lady nodded and said "Yes!" All of sudden she shoved Jamie hard to the ground as Jamie was following she was protecting her baby and forgot to protect her head. By this time Nick had put the lady in cuffs and radioed in for back up. While the other people were out Nick then realized that Jamie hadn't moved since she was pushed down and she was knocked out. Nick radioed in for ambulance by the time the ambulance had arrived Jamie still was unconscious. Nick was worried but brought the suspect to custody while Jamie was at the hospital. After the lady was booked he raced over to the hospital. She still hadn't gain conscious yet. Nick was really worried because she was in the ICU. 

The doctor came in and said, "Excuse me Sir, how are you related to this women because only relatives are allowed here. 

Nick responded, "She is my girlfriend. Now what is wrong with her?" 

Love, Secrets and Cops: Drama in the Fifteen DivisionWhere stories live. Discover now