Nick & Jamie Problems

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Jamie's POV

I laid the gun down on the smooth mahogany table with a thud, glaring at Sean.

"What's next?" I snarled, crossing my arms across my chest.

Sean shook his head slightly, flipping some pages in his clip board. "Nothing else. I think that you're done with review."

I pushed open the doors from the shooting range and made my way down to Andy's desk.

"Do you have anything for me?" I asked her, tapping my nails impatiently on the desk.

"Actually you have a meeting in two minutes. Chief wants to see you."

I lit up at the sound of that. Two weeks ago I had asked the chief about a raise. Maybe this was a follow up meeting.

I stood up and walked to chief's office, a crisp room that smelled of coffee.

"Officer Porter" Chief said. "Take a seat."

I slid into one of the plush velvety chairs and scotched a little bit closer to his desk.

"Officer, I have been thinking about your raise," he admitted. I sat up in my seat. "And I do believe that I have an extra job that would qualify you for a raise."

"What kind of job, sir?" I asked, squirming uncomfortably in my chair in excitement.

"You will be training a new officer- oh speak of the devil, here he is now!" Chief said, pointing to the door where my heart sank. "Officer Porter, meet your new trainee Nick Carter."

Nick's P.O.V

I took another sip of my water.

"So who's training you, Nick," a pretty young woman with blond hair asked.

"Jamie Porter," I said.

"Ohhh man that sucks. You are stuck with one bad ass bitch," Sean said, patting my shoulder lightly.

"Yeah," I said nervously. "What's the story behind her anyway?"

"I heard that her boyfriend broke off the engagements when he left for the navy or something. Truthfully though, who would want to date her? Pretty, nice set of tits even, but she's like a dragon," Luke said, causing the blond to smack him on the shoulder and smile.

 I had caused this. I had made Jamie stone cold. I was the one who broke off the engagement.


When Jamie saw his face. She was ready to kill him. Nick walked right through the door happy and full of energy. Chief stood up and motion Jamie to do the same.

Chief said, "This is Nick Carter. This is the rookie you will be training Jamie. Officer Porter is very good at what she does. Listen to her and take it in and follow her instruction.

Jamie said, "Nice to meet you, Nick. I am Jamie Porter as chief said." She said with a straight face and in a mad tone, "Chief are we done yet because I would like to start my shift."

Nick said, "Hi Jamie. Nice to meet you."

Chief said, "Officer Carter get to roll call now. Officer Porter stay here for a minute." Once the door closed, "Jamie don't yell at your rookie, explain things to him and you know the rest of the rules. Now go to roll call."

Once Nick walks into roll call people start to stare and Jamie is right behind him and she tells him where to sit. When Chief walks in, he starts the goals for the day and then introduces Nick. When roll call is over Andy, Chloe and Jamie go to the kitchen to talk.

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