12 Cold

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Yo m8s! Just a quick note about the media before we start the chapter! This is a song called "So Cold" by Ben Clocks. Blubs actually found this and thought it would be a good song for this Phanfiction and I just about died at how well it went with the story line when I heard it! I specifically saved it for the last chapter and I highly recommend listening to it for the extra feels it might help add to the story. I'll let you get on with the story now. See you at the end of the chapter!



Phil's head shot up as one of the many machines attached to Dan began to rapidly beep. Although he couldn't understand what it meant, he knew it was bad when doctors and nurses began rushing in and frantically messing with the other devices. No matter how many times he screamed it, no one would answer Phil as to what was happening.

That was when he noticed that Dan's breathing was really speeding up and he was unconsciously coughing up blood. The nurses and doctors began to crowd around him pushing Phil out of the way in the process.

"Hey!" Phil exclaimed as more nurses squeezed in between him and Dan. "Will someone please tell me what's going on?!"

"He's falling through," came Dr. Sanchez's voice from behind him.

Phil whirled around and looked at him with teary, dreadful eyes, "Please tell me that doesn't mean what it sounds like!"

Dr. Sanchez sighed, "I'm sorry Phil. I don't think he's going to make it."


The way down almost seemed endless. In fact, he was still being dragged down. No matter how hard he fought it, the invisible force was winning at pulling him to whatever ground may lay below.

"NO, NO, NO!" Dan screeched as his tears were redirected in an upward direction. "PHIL! PLEASE, NO, I HAVE TO SEE PHIL AGAIN!"

He continued to scream and squirm in attempts to break loose from the mysterious grip, but nothing he tried worked. He was just pulled down into the darkness.


Phil perked his head up to look at one of the hospital machines that was now beeping rapidly. He was no doctor, but every time that a machine like that started making rapid noise, it never indicated something good. Before Phil knew what was happening, doctors and nurses had flooded the room and surrounded Dan. Once again, Phil found himself being pushed out of the way out of Dan's reach.

"HEY?! WHAT'S HAPPENING?! WHY CAN'T SOMEONE JUST KEEP ME IN THE LOOP?!" Phil cried out in frustration.

"Sir!" a nurse snapped at him causing Phil to spin around on his heels. "I'm going to have to ask you to wait outside."

"No! Not until someone tells me what's going on!" Phil demanded.

"I'm sorry, but we're loosing him. His body's just not strong enough to hold up anymore," the nurse informed him. "Now, please, will you follow me outside?"

Phil felt his heart shatter on the inside. This was it. This was really it. Not sure how to respond, Phil just stood there completely shell shocked. It wasn't fair that Phil had just only recently realized that Dan was who he truly loved, and now he was slipping away from Phil forever. But then again, when was life ever fair? He never thought about how long Dan had to go on in heartbreak before he was finally able to happily be with Phil. Life was cruel. Life was so, horrendously cruel.

With tears streaming down his face, the nurse carefully led Phil outside to the hallway where he curled into a little ball right outside the door and wept.


Dan had finally stopped falling. He had hit the ground and was greeted by a blinding light beckoning for him to come closer.

"No, no, no!" Dan's voice echoed in the vast nothingness of black. "Not yet! I can't die yet! I still have a long life to live! A long life with Phil!"

That was when Dan realized that he had been subconsciously stepping towards the light. Shaking it off, he turned around and began walking in the opposite direction. He kept going until the light was no longer visible, but then found himself face to face with that same light in front of him. Dan didn't know what to do.

Just as he was about to be completely absorbed by the glittering light, Dan felt a charge of energy pulse through him causing the light to back up. Dan stood still. He had no idea what was going on, but whatever it was just kept Dan alive. Without forewarning, it happened again, sending the light back even farther that time. On the third zap of energy, the light had completely disappeared and a little bit of color had come back to the snowy wonderland. One more time and everything was clear as day. Everything stood still for a moment as the snow sprinkled itself down adding to the white ground. Dan could have sworn he heard the sound of someone bawling their eyes out in the distance. In fact, it sounded almost oddly like Phil. Before Dan could run off and investigate, one last shock brought him back into the darkness. Not the pitch black darkness, but a dimly lit darkness.


The sound of sneakers squeaking on the floor made its way closer to Phil before stopping right in front of him. With tear stained cheeks, Phil looked up to find the same nurse who had shown him out standing over him.

"You can come back inside now," she said softly.

Phil stood up on shaky legs, afraid of what awaited him inside of the hospital room. He held his breath as his wobbly legs carried him through the door behind the nurse.

Doctors and nurses stepped aside revealing a path to Dan's bed. Phil's body began to violently shake when he looked down and saw Dan's body laying still with his eyes closed.

"N-no," Phil whispered, "D-Dan?"

"Yes?" Dan's lips weakly moved to form the words. He opened his eyes and smiled at Phil.

"That's not funny!" Phil scolded, "I seriously thought you were dead!"

"It'll take more than that to kill me! Hell, I've survived flaming knives!" Dan joked causing him and Phil to chuckle. "Without you, I'd have never made it back alive. I love you."

"I love you too," Phil wept pressing his lips against Dan's.


For an entire month, Dan was bound to that hospital bed getting poked with needles and getting pills shoved down his throat, but it was all worthwhile when Phil came to see him after practice everyday. Eventually, Dan was strong enough to go home, but it was confirmed that he couldn't exert too much physical activity or he could end up in the hospital again.

In the end, it didn't really matter to Dan whether or not he could skate. Yes, he missed it with all his heart and it took all of his self control not to put on skates and try to land that quad when he went to the rink with Phil everyday, but the fact that he still had Phil by his side made him happier than anyone could comprehend. ❄️⛸❄️

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