Chapter Four

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Chapter 4•

Niall's POV

I woke up because of the sunlight that hits my face from the window. I got up and went to the bathroom to wash my face, then go to my favorite place and that is the kitchen.

Oh! I forgot to introduce myself, I'm Niall Horan from One Direction and yes I know we're famous like others but we're just simple guys who sings like an idiot on stage Hehe.

Well, back to what I am doing Oh! yeah! Im going to the the kitchen and I noticed that Harry is not here well, he might be outside taking a walk.

I open the refrigerator and I saw a few foods inside so, I was wrong about where is Harry, maybe he is in the supermarket so, I text him to bring some Nandos.

Then I got back to my room  to check my twitter while waiting for Harry.

(After an hour)

Harry come back with alot of groceries but I was sad because he didn't brought some Nandos.

 "Hey dude! Did you receive my text huh?" I asked him, pouting.

"Nah! I didn't received any text since I bumped that girl" Harry said

"What I texted you, see!" I said and show him my text message.

"Maybe you sent that in a wrong number" he said while eating a piece of bread.

"No! look it's your number" I said

"Wait , i take a look" then he got his phone from his pocket.

"OH!!!! SHIT" he shouted.

Harry's POV

I think I got the wrong phone, this is not mine.

"What happened to you Harry?" Zayn asked me while rubbing his eyes.

"Harry! what's your problem?" Liam asked while looking at me, a little angry maybe because of what I shouted.  

"Ah! i think i got the wrong phone" I replied to all of their question.

"What? How?" Niall asked while eating an apple.

"Well, I think that girl who I bumped to get my phone" I said scratching my head.

"And who's that girl?" Louis asked walking down from his room

"I don't know her at all i just bumped her in the way" I said. 

"Geezz! Harry you don't know her? how will you get back your phone huh?" Zayn asked.

"Maybe, she will think a way to get her phone back" Liam said standing in front of me

"Maybe Liam is right bro! so calm down and eat this" Niall said while giving some chips, he do eat a lot. So I just grabbed some from the bag of chips

"I think" I said while eating the chips that Niall gave to me.

"Ah! guys Simon said that we have to decorate the guest room!" I said.

"Huh! why!" Louis asked, furrowing his eyebrows.

"I don't know and guys he said that our guest is a girl and she will be living with us for the whole summer" I said. biting my lips.

"What!" all the boys said together.

"I don't know it's a surprise he said" I said shrugging.  

"Oh! i think we need to wait and see!" Zayn said looking a bit excited or something.

Brianna's POV

Finally!! We reached home, I sat on the couch feeling a bit exhausted. Suddenly Jill jumped on to me.

"Hey sis! Did Charlottle texted you?" she said.

"No, why would she?" I asked. Yeah why would she anyway?

"Nothing I just heard your phone ring" she said sitting next to me.

I look to the list who call me and there is no Charlotte that I saw in my phone. And how will she even know my number? My eyes were scanning the phone. Wait.

"Oh Shit!" I shouted.

"Hey! Sis why are you cursig?" the twins asked.

"" shit, how am I gonna explain this. Well they are kids.

"Maybe Because of pancakes" Jill said while playing with her hair

"No, it's because that i think that guy that i bumped got my phone" I said while thinking of a way to get it back.

"You mean someone got your phone accidentally huh!" Lottie said.

"Maybe! I should text some numbers here so that they will know that our phone exchanged I said while looking at the twins.

"Maybe that's the right thing to do sis!" and the twins continued playing and I text this Niall guy to say that his friend's phone is on mine. Then after a few minutes someone texted and its Niall saying:

"OH! so you're the girl who Harry bumped to. I think you two should bring back your phones. He said that meet him on Starbucks at 4:00 in the afternoon okay xx"

And that's what he texted me so I just prepared myself and its just 3:12 in afternoon. I took a bath and change my clothes into a blue turtle neck t-shirt and a navy blue jeans with my white converse.

Then I brought some money in case of some emergencies.  When I looked at the time it was still 3:35 so I went to the living room to watch TV.

Few minutes later

I was watching the news but when I looked at the time it was 3:55. Shoot! I'm gonna be late.

I grabbed my jacket and closed the door and rushly ran to Starbucks. When I finally reach Starbucks I looked at the time that it was 4:03. Well I'm only 3 minutes late, no big deal.

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