Chapter Twelve

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Chapter 12•

Brianna's POV

It's a freaking Game Room!! It has pool table, arcades, video games, I don't care I love this room!! I'm gonna play later, I left the room and went back to my 'new' room. Before I open the door of my room, I heard someone playing a guitar.

"Shit!" the guy from inside said with a sound of a string just broke. I quickly open the door seeing the blonde guy, I think it's Niall.

"What the" I said.

"I'm so sorry I broke it" he said apologizing like a kid.

"It's okay i'll just buy a new stri-"

"I'll buy one! I'll be back!" Niall cut me off.

"No it's ok-"

"I'll be back!!" Niall said leaving, I went  outside of my room seeing Niall already left. Hayzzz, there goes my first day here.

I went back to my room and started unpacking. I put the picture of my mom on the table. I look at my watch seeing it's 9:32am, I'm bored! I put on my earphones and grab my skateboard. I went downstairs to see, Louis but I didn't mind.

"Hey Uncle!! I'm gonna go outside" I shouted and leave.

Harry's POV

"Okay" Simon said, That's odd that, voice is so familiar. I heard that voice before, maybe the girl that I-, no no no that can't be her. I walk to Simon in the kitchen and ask him a few question.

"Hey Simon, what's her name?" I asked.

"Brianna, why?" he asked

"Uh, nothing" I said leaving. Brianna, hmmmmm.

I sat beside Louis in the living room and watch some TV. He was watching some kiddy shows

"Can you change the channel cause it piss me off" I said.

"Okay fine" Louis said changing the channels. Suddenly Louis stopped at a music channel, it was playing 22.

"New song 'bout you?" Louis asked

"Yep" I replied

"Change it!!" I shouted

"No!" Louis shouted back, I tried getting the remote from Louis

"Give it!" I said, finally! I got it so I changed the channel.

Few Hours Later

"Lunch Time!!!" Liam shouted from the dining room, we all sat down with Simon.

"Wheres Brianna?" Simon asked

"Don't know" Niall said chewing his food. Finally I heard a slam from the door, a girl finally came.

"Sorry, I'm la-" she suddenly stopped and looked at me.

"You?" she said.

"You? Why are you here?" I asked.

"Uhh, having a vacation here?" she said.

"You two already met? Brianna have a seat" Simon said pointing her seat

"I never expected she'll be the guest" I said slicing the food

"I never expected you'll be living here" she said.

"Brianna, be ready in the afternoon, we're going to the mall" Simon said

"Kay" she replied. 

Finally, we're all done eating. I went upstairs to my room and hopped into my bed. Why is she the guest!? well, good thing I now know her name. So I just sat there in my bed and use my laptop.

Brianna's POV

I went upstairs to my room and slammed my door. Why the hell is he here!? Ughh, worst first day here. I just put on my earphones and play my laptop in my bed. I opened my twitter to see no hates for today, good. I opened my facebook, to see some page posting some 1D stuff even though I didn't like One Direction pages.

I just play and play my laptop until it becomes afternoon. I looked at the time seeing it's 2:32.

"Brianna, let's go now!" Uncle said from downstairs so I closed my laptop and went downstairs.

"You might have to wear this" Uncle said handing me some shades, what the heck will I do with this?. I just put them and go to that high-class limousine.

While we're on our way to the mall, Uncle talk to me.

"I have something for you Brianna" Uncle said handing something to me. Credit Card, yay! I love my Uncle.

"Wow, thanks" I said hugging him.

Minutes later we reach the mall, with those 2 men again beside me. Why the heck do they have to be that creepy?.When we enter the mall we saw some people with cameras and screaming. What the, good thing I have 2 men beside me hehe.

"Okay Brianna, it's your first day in their house. You can buy anything you want" Uncle said

"Anything?" I asked with a confuse face and he nodded.

We both go to the Department store to buy some clothes. I pick some boyish kind of styles cause you know, I hate girly things.

"Why don't you try some dress Brianna?" Uncle asked

"Ehh, no thanks" I said. I saw Uncle getting some dresses

"You should try these, If you don't want. I'm still gonna buy them for you" he said

"But Uncle" I whine

"Nope, I want you to try these" Ughh, I still don't wanna wear it.

2 hours later, we're done shopping. We hopped in the limousine and drove back home. We sure bought many stuff. Finally we reached home, I went back to my room with the stuff that Uncle bought for me. I try all of them but not the dresses, I don't like it, I hate it .

I just rest my head for a while. I feel a little dizzy because of those cameras flashing. so I lay my head in the bed go to sleep.

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