Chapter Twenty-One

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Chapter 21•

Harry's POV

The light of the sun from my window woke me up. I am still sleepy but, Okay I am up, too lazy to close the curtains. I went to my bathroom and take a morning bath. Feels good then I wipe my body and my hair to dry.I look into the mirror to fix myself, then, my lips huh?

"Wait what?!" I said then I shake my head to get that out of my mind. I have to apologize to her but how can I talk to her she wont even look at me? Hayzz..maybe I can think better if I eat breakfast then I open the door..

Okay wow speak of the devil. Wait is her face getting red? Does she have a fever? So I close the door and walk towards her to check her temperature....

Why the heck Is she walking away from me?!

"Are you oka-"

"Ho-Hold up! Don't take another step forward Styles I am warning yo-"

Then she accidentally slip down the stairs so I reach for her as fast as I can to catch her.

Brianna's POV

Oww. Darn it, my leg hurts. Then suddenly I feel something underneath me..

"Ahh- Oww." I was a bout to scream cause of shockness and why? Cause Harry is underneath me?! I get up as fast as I can but..

F**king leg!. So I just get up slowly

"Are you okay?" he ask while helping me get up and sit on the stairs.

No his face is so close and my face again?

"Yup I am fi-" then while his trying to help me sit he suddenly bump my leg.


"I'll take that as a no" he said.

Still his face so close so i just look at my leg.

"Hey what was that?!" Liam said

"I fell down from the stairs." I said

"Are you okay??!" Liam ask

"I am fin-" suddenly Harry lightly tap on my leg.

"Oww! What the heck was that for!" Darn it Harry!

"Nope she has leg sprain" then Harry suddenly turn around to me

"And yeah you're welcome" Harry said

"Okay i'll get some ice and some bandage okay? Wait" Liam said running to get it

"Come on i'll help you sit on the couch" Harry said while lending me a hand..

"I can walk, no thanks"  

"But you can barely even stand up"  He said."

"Okay suit yourself let's see if you can stand." he said

Okay I can do this! I was about to stand but owww darn it!

"Hayzz ok don't scream or anything, okay?" he said

"Huh?? why would-" then he suddenly carried me bridal style.

"Put me down!!" I said then he stop walking

"Ok ill drop you here?" he said, f**k hes gonna drop me?

"No..." I said whispering

"Ok then just shut up." we went to the living room then he put me down on the couch.

"You know what? I hate you" I said to him and he immediately he put me down.

"Again you're welcome" he said sitting in front of me

"What leg hurts??" he asks

"Ummm I don't know the one you tap?" I said then Liam came

"I thought you're still in the stairs.." he put some bandage in my leg then they put the ice pack on the top..

"Thank you Liam" I said.

"What?!!"- Harry suddenly shout

''Are you okay lad?" Liam said

"No I am good.." Harry replied said while crossing his arms

"Okay then i'll wake him up" Liam went to Uncle Simon..

Okay awkward.

"Coddy what happen to your leg?" Louis walking to me and sitting beside me

"Who's Coddy?" I ask him

"Remember how good you are in C.O.D?" he said smiling

"Yeah?" I said  

"Well because your good at COD I gave you a nickname Coddy" He smiled

"Are you kidding me? Really?! It sounds like Cody Simpson" I said  

"Noooooo!!! its not the same! COD-dy." he explained.

"Ok suit your self it still sounds like Cody Simpson. I don't care" I said

"Yehey from now on i'll call you Coddy" He said while hugging me

"Why is Harry look so pissed?" Louis whispered to me.

Then I took a glance at Harry. His looking at the window and yeah he look kinda pissed

"I dont know" I said to him the he let go hugging me

"I am back!" Niall went back from some place.

"Woah what happened??" he ask

"I fell down the stairs and yeah thanks for the Nutella" I said

"Nice really nice" Harry hissed. What's with this guy?

"BTW where have you be-"


"Louis please?" I said while he's doing the duck face

"Oh I bought you a guitar string sorry i broke the D string I'll get it fix" he said while running to my room.

Then Uncle came and look at my leg and Niall went down with my guitar and Zayn too he woke up. Suddenly he said a big announcement

"Ok guys since you all here, I am going back to London tomorrow for work so guys take care of her and tomorrow you're going back to school  too right?" I nod

"Then i'll take you tomorrow to school" he said

"No, I am fine I can just ride a train" I said

"Dont worry no ones gonna notice me" then that's it i fail to protect my life..

I wish no one sees him. Louis, Zayn, Uncle Simon, and Harry went to the kitchen to eat while Niall and me are still in the living room. Wow he's good

"You're good at fixing huh" I said

"Nah I am just used to it, so you play,  since when?? I was 12 when I first learn how to play the guitar"  he said while tuning it

"Hmm don't remember" I said

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