Chapter Forty-Five

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Chapter 45•

Niall's POV

Me, Louis, Liam and Zayn were playing cards in mine and Zayn's room.. We just sat on the floor, cards all around the room.. "Don't you think we should clean up all the mess we made before continuing?" Liam asked raising his eyebrows and looked at the boys, even me "Nahh, any of you got 9?" Louis said, but seconds after he threw all the cards from his hands, laying on the floor and covered his face with his hands, whining "UGHH This aint no fun!!!" Louis shouted.

But suddenly I'm hearing strange sounds outside, crying, shouting and heavy stomps of foot steps. I looked at the boys and asked "Do you guys hear that?", but all of them said no.. Am I really the only one hearing them, I must be losing my mind.. I was about to go back and play but I heard them again, I can't help it. I stood up from the floor and walked to the door. "Hey Niall where are you going?" Zayn asked but I just continued walking. I quickly opened the door and saw Brianna ran past our room, crying. But I saw Harry ran after her, what should I do? Leave them or ran after them? Probably I should let them handle it, I might be a disturbance for them. But..But... UGHHH... Maybe I should go back.. I slowly closed the door and went back to the boys, I sat on the floor with them "What happened?" Liam asked, and I told them the whole thing that I saw. They all went worried, thinking if we should go and check if both of them are alright with each other. "Maybe we shouldn't, They're old enough to handle their problems right now" Zayn said and we all agreed.

Harry's POV 

I felt my heart drop seeing Brianna crying again, seeing her cry was... disappointing in some sort of way. I just took her back to our room to talk some things out. But there's one thing she should know, if only she knew that I'm not that 'kind guy' she always knew, like these. This one that I'm doing, taking care of a girl, giving her all my love, but if she only know, all I can do is break hearts. 

Nothing but make other girls cry, yes, media always thought of me as a womanizer, and in fact, half of that is true, all I can do is go and have sex with different girls. But when I saw Bri walked in to our house, my life changed, all of my thoughts of other girls has vanished, all I can do now is... love her with all I got.

I opened the door, letting her come in first, and closed the door after I walked in behind her. "I'll go get you some water" I said heading to the kitchen and grab a glass and pour water in it (from the refrigerator of course). I head back to her, handing her the glass of water I have in my hands, I sat beside her on the bed, looking at her as she sip a little water, putting it down on the desk which is close to us.  

"Bri? Are you okay?" I asked moving a bit closer to her, "Do you wanna talk things out?"

"What do you think, you think I'm okay right now?" She said weakly, she put his hands on his lap, squeezing his jeans as a tear streamed down on her face.

"Bri-, hey.. Look at me" I said, and she did what I said. But she couldn't look staright in to my eyes. I'm starting to think she hates me now. "I'm sorry Bri, for what I did, I just can't help myself. Look I-"

"I what? Why would you even do this Harry?? I just saw my bestfriend again, why can't you just see I'm happy with that? Why can't you see I'm happy because I saw the person I LOVED, but don't even know if I still love him? ?Okay I'm getting a strange feeling for him again, okay? And yes I know you got mad because he kissed me, but that didn't changed about us. But tell me Harry, why?"

"Because I love you, okay!?" I shouted abruptly standing up and walked in front of her. "I love you.." I repeated. I hugged her, as soon as I notice, tears were streaming down on my cheeks. What the? why the hell am I crying. Shit. I felt Bri wrapping his arms around me, hugging me tightly. 

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