Forgetting The Sunshine

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"It's sweet of you to look after me but really, you can go home now."

Phil just smiled as he plumped Dan's pillow and said, "I live here, Dan."

It started with just forgetting the oven was on or forgetting to change his trousers.

But how do you react when the love of your life doesn't even remember you?


"Morning, Dan," A voice sang out cheerfully and a moment later, the curtains were being pulled open. The bright light that entered the room was a bit too much for Dan who tried to cover his face with the bed covers.

The voice was speaking again. It seemed to be saying, "I made you a cup of tea."

A cup of tea? Why was this person being so kind? And wait - who was this person?

Dan finally lowered the bed covers to see a man placing the aforementioned cup of tea on the bedside table closest to Dan. The man had messy, grey, morning hair and black glasses on the end of his nose. Dan squinted in confusion as he tried to recognise this apparent stranger.

It wasn't until the man caught his staring and smiled that it came back to him. This was Phil. How could he forget Phil?

"I'm making bacon and eggs for breakfast," Phil told him, his smile glued to his face, "Do you want to eat it in bed?"

Dan tried to keep the guilt off of his face for seemingly forgetting about Phil's existence and coughed a little, "No, that's okay. I'll get up."

As soon as he made to move, Phil was suddenly next to him with arms outstretched. "Careful. Do you need any help?" Concern edged his voice.

Dan shook his head as he pulled the bed covers off of him. "I'm fine by myself," He muttered. He knew Phil cared for him but it sucked when he needed help for something as simple as standing up.

"You're the old man, anyway," Dan smiled when he was standing. The response he got from Phil was a low chuckle in the back of his throat.

"Yeah, okay then. Come on," Phil held out an arm. Dan immediately narrowed his eyes at the gesture and pushed it away.

The sigh Phil let out just made Dan feel guilty again. "Sorry. I just-" Dan matched Phil's sigh with one of his own.

"I understand," Phil smiled a little and settled for taking Dan's hand in his own instead. Forty years later and Dan still felt butterflies every time Phil laced their fingers together. He was well and truly head over heels.

Phil led him out of their bedroom and into the kitchen. Moving around the house was a lot easier since they had moved into a bungalow a few years ago, when Dan had first been diagnosed.

Dan frowned when they reached the kitchen. "What's that smell?" He asked.

Phil's face was blank for a moment until realisation suddenly hit him and he quickly rushed over to the stove. "Not the eggs!" He groaned, turning down the heat.

Dan couldn't help but giggle and walk over to where Phil was stood, a glum expression on his face. "Did you save them?" Dan asked.

Phil looked at him with hopeful eyes. "I think so. This one's a little burnt though so I'll have it."

Dan rolled his eyes at his considerate husband before lowering himself onto one of the chairs next to the table. His knee was already hurting and all he had done was stand in the kitchen. Fuck old age. Seriously.

A Compilation of Phan OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now