In Which Dan Is A Bit Of An Asshole And The Whole Story Is One Big, Fat Cliché

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Okay, yes, it is quite possible that this could be a super cliché story but it's just how things have turned out. Not my fault at all. I mean, sure I could have avoided this whole situation altogether by not being a self-righteous asshole but then who would I be? And I happened to like how things had turned out.

It all started in English at the start of the year. I was starting year eleven and I wasn't sure if I was looking forward to leaving or not. I mean, obviously I did want to leave but the prospect of having to do some exams first was a little daunting. Who wanted to be judged on their ability to remember facts in order to carry on their education at college? Fuck that.

Thinking about that had been too much already so I really could have done without being told off for nothing. Being a common teenager, I was prone to talking to my friends during lessons to help with the torment of learning shitty things you didn't want to learn. What I didn't expect was for my teacher, Ms Greys, to come over to me personally and ask me to basically shut the fuck up. When I had explained that I was obviously talking about the work, Ms Greys told me that someone on another table had complained about my loud voice and 'annoying' laugh.

I glanced around to look for the culprit and my eyes stopped when they landed on a specific person already looking at me with a slight smirk on his face. I should have known.

Ever since Philip Lester had joined the school half a year ago, we hadn't exactly met eye-to-eye. Okay, I admit that when I had first laid eyes on him, I had thought that he was pretty attractive; with his big blue eyes and black fringe that I could only dream about having. However, my opinion of him evidently changed for the worst when he had started hanging around with PJ Ligouri, one of the most popular guys in my year, and I saw girls flock to him almost instantly.

How come this guy got to be so popular so quickly anyway? Some of us had been with these people for almost five years, excluding the six years of primary school. This guy had only been here five minutes and all he had to do was bat his eyelashes for practically everyone to go running to him. Even teachers seemed to be sluts for him.

Phil didn't help matters by behaving like a total teacher's pet most of the time and flashing his smile at whoever he wanted for them to go weak at the knees. Not me though. I had managed to avoid any contact with him for his first few weeks.

It wasn't like I wanted to be popular. I was fine with being invisible and sitting at the back but it just annoyed me, you know? Why were some people given everything they wanted while the little guys had to work for it? People like that irritated me.

At first, I gave Phil a chance. Maybe it wasn't his fault that he had a perfect smile and bright eyes and maybe he was just naturally charming. I formed my own opinion on him after I was moved next to him in Physics. By then, he had been at our school for more than two months and I was probably one of the only people who hadn't voluntarily spoken to him. Even Louise and Chris had spoken to him, not without some protesting from me, and tried to convince me that he was a nice guy.

I was obviously skeptical though and I wanted to judge him and come to a conclusion myself. I saw myself as a good judge of character.

At first, we didn't really talk. Physics wasn't exactly an active interest on my part so I didn't really feel like striking up a conversation about atoms and shit like that. Even though I didn't really speak, Phil did. He had his hand up a lot with answers and questions and just ugh. It got on my nerves. I wasn't a big fan of people who actually enjoyed the hellhole that was school.

So, obviously that started off the initial dislike I felt towards him because in every class I shared with him, he was like that. He practically had the teachers eating out of his hands. That wasn't right. How could a nerd like that be popular and super attractive as well? Why did he seem to be so perfect?

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