A Drink To Calm The Nerves

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Okay, so last weekend I had my first experience of getting really tipsy/slightly drunk (okay, quite drunk). And naturally I'm going to write a oneshot about Dan getting drunk because come on, why the hell not? And it's set in 2009 because 2009 Phan is life tbh.
I've included some of my own experiences from my drunken night as well.

Also, I know none of the facts are right. Sorry.


Dan was a little nervous. He had never met any of Phil's friends before and he knew that he was definitely going to be the youngest there.

When Phil had first invited him, he had almost declined. He and Phil had only met in person for the first time a few months ago. And Dan was confused.

He knew he liked Phil but that was all he knew. Phil had left hints about his feelings but hadn't properly outright said them yet. Dan wanted Phil to maybe initiate a proper relationship because well, he kinda really liked Phil.

Phil was older though. A lot older. Okay, maybe not that much older but he was twenty-two and Dan had only just turned eighteen this year.

When Dan had mentioned Phil to some of his friends, they had acted like it was so weird that he was friends with someone older than them. He didn't understand what was wrong with that though.

Phil was a really nice guy and he didn't seem that much older. You could definitely tell he was though by some of the things he would say, whether they were really smart or mature, or the way he sometimes nurtured Dan as if was a child. Not in a mean way, just in an... adoring way.

So when Phil had casually invited Dan to a party at one of Phil's older, twenty-something year old friends' house, Dan was a little unsure. He was mainly a little frustrated that nothing official had happened between them yet. He had thought Phil was going to ask him a different question...

It was still early days though and although they had met online ages ago, they had only met in person two months ago. Dan needed to let things happen, if they were going to, in their own time.

He was a little worried about only knowing Phil at the party but he agreed to go because who passes up free alcohol?

His mum was fine with him getting the train to Manchester to stay with Phil for the weekend. Even though Dan was eighteen, his mum didn't really approve of him drinking. So Phil said he could stay Saturday night and most of Sunday to sober up.

That was another thing that reminded Dan how much older Phil was: Phil had his own flat. He lived by himself in a flat in Manchester. He was practically a proper adult. Whereas, Dan still lived with his parents and still had to choose a course to study at University. He was a child.

Phil was already outside the train station when Dan arrived in Manchester. This little exchange had happened many times now and it still reminded Dan of the first time they had met. Whenever he remembered that encounter, he suddenly felt nearly as nervous as he had that day. Which was stupid because there was nothing to be nervous about. It was just Phil.

Phil's smile was just as big as it usually was when they saw each other and he pulled Dan into a hug, resting his head on Dan's shoulder. Dan had to go slightly onto his toes to participate more in the hug as Phil had a couple of inches on top of him.

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