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"i wanna go stargazing with you but it'd be pointless because i'd end up staring at you the entire time"


It took Dan five weeks to sum up the courage to ask the cute guy in his English class out. Well, not out out. Just on a date sort of thing. Although, Dan hadn't called it that when he had asked him so he wasn't even sure if it was a date. He was kinda hoping it was though.

Dan had noticed him since the start of term; it was his black sweepy hair that had caught his initial attention. He was sat at the table next to his so Dan could often hear him talking to the guy next to him.

From what he heard, Dan had concluded that the cute guy was a bit weird. Although, you'd kind of expect him to be with his Pokémon backpack and the fact that he actually did up the top button of his shirt. Weird.

Dan often found himself wanting to join in with some of the conversations. He was also a bit of a gaming nerd. When he had heard the cute guy mention an anime he was currently watching and the guy next to him sounding kinda judgy about it, Dan wanted to push him out of the way and talk to the cute guy about Sword Art Online all day.

Although, Dan couldn't do that because one, they were in class, and two, he wouldn't have the balls to do that anyway. Dan was the quiet loser in the back who barely spoke. How was he even supposed to talk to this guy?

During the third week, Dan knew he was developing a slight crush on the guy. Which was completely stupid because he only saw him in English and they had never spoken before. The guy probably hadn't even acknowledged Dan's existence. Which was fine. Dan could deal with that.

Although, as time went on, and the more he overheard the cute guy talk about the most recent Muse album, Dan was finding it harder to stick to his original plan. He soon found himself really wishing he had an excuse to talk to him.

They had no other classes together though and Dan was pretty sure this guy was fairly new because he had never seen him before this term. Or maybe Dan was just that unobservant. But surely he would have noticed this guy? Yeah, he definitely would have.

Dan didn't even know his name until the fourth week when their teacher had told him to stop daydreaming. Dan noticed that he did that a lot. He was often staring out of the window or doodling in his book.

Mrs Clark had stopped her readout of Sonnet 41 to say sharply, "Philip Lester, would you pay attention." Dan's eyes had widened when he saw the cute guy look up, flustered, and quietly apologise.

It was now coming up to Halloween half term and Dan was already feeling down about the fact that he would have to wait a week to see the cute guy again or hear him speak. Jeez, since when was Dan such a creep?

As he was lacking a little in the friendship department, Dan knew it was going to be a long week of doing nothing. Unless.

Unless he actually did something about this little crush.

During the last week before half term, he formed various plans in his head. Most involved finding the guy on FaceBook and messaging him because Dan knew he was too much of a wimp to actually go up to the guy in person.

What if he didn't have FaceBook though? Come on, everyone had it. But what if this guy didn't?

Dan was more or less psyching himself out by Friday. It had gotten to the point where he was thinking about giving up and trying again after half term. Although, even he knew that was bullshit.

English was the last lesson on Friday and Dan was both glad and angry about that at the same time. You know, for obvious reasons.

He didn't pay attention as Mrs Clark analysed one of the shitty poems they were studying. Then again, he never paid that much attention usually.

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