Chapter 2

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Felicity caught his eyes for an instant, and he saw that she was trying to hide her fear, as he noted that the two guards now closed the large doors. Two more had crossed to stand behind him and had pulled their swords. The panic was screaming in his head. Ra's knew he could take the pain, so what was his game? Why was Felicity here?

Ra's clasped his hands behind his back, shook his head and said, "No, my child, I could beat him all day, and he would simply . . . let me say, take it. However, I require that he learn from this lesson. So now that I have his attention. . . you are a different story." Ra's moved toward a small table against the wall. With great care, Ra's slowly removed his rings and placed them on the table, one by one, and it was Oliver not Al Sah-Him that felt real fear.

"You wouldn't dare. We had a deal." The words were out before he could stop them. His threat was clear, and Ra's spun on his heel and pointed a finger at him.

"Make one move to stop me, and she will not survive this, and this problem will be solved."

Then Ra's backhanded Felicity, and it was Oliver not Al Sah-Him who forced himself to stay on his knees, and who felt pride when she snapped her head back in time that the full force of his backhand was lost, though her glasses flew from her face to bounce across the floor.

Yes, Ra's had connected but barely.

"I see you have been training her, Al Sah-Him, but of course, you have. Bring her here," he ordered the guards.

"Enough!" The word exploded from Oliver's mouth. Heaven help him, Ra's was going to beat her in front of him, his heart was going to to explode in his chest. He made to rise before he could stop himself.

Ra's pointed at him. "Last warning, move from your knees, and I will run her through and you will never have to watch this again."

Ra's placed his hand on his sword, and Oliver in milliseconds could see Thea, soaked in her own blood, gutted by Ra's, could see the Drs and nurses reviving her. Never would he would see Felicity such, ever. No matter how much agony it was to stay on his knees, to be helpless and watch this, that reality would be far worse.

"I swear will NOT move," he spat the words at Ra's, as he threw his hands up in surrender and then hung his head.

Ra's shook his head and frowned then said, "See what love does to you? It weakens you. Al Sah-Him, you need to embrace your name. See why you must eliminate this love? Now, head up, Al Sah-Him. You will watch, and you will not look away." Ra's turned back to Felicity, his hand still on his sword and said, "Yes, unfortunately, Felicity, hitting him would teach him nothing but it would be torture him to make him watch me hit . . . you."

Oliver was the one that now jerked his head up. Al Sah-Him had been pushed away, the second Ra's had touched her in vain the game was over. It was Oliver who couldn't breathe and who made his voice low and controlled. "I will do what you will. What do you want? Do you want me to beg? I will do it, just don't touch her again."

"You know what I want." Ra's looked him over and then nodded said, "You hold a great power over him, Felicity. You see how easily he gives up his will when it comes to you? I have barely touched you and already he offers to beg. He has not been this pliable. . . ever."

"You're a monster," Felicity hissed the words at Ra's. "And I am not letting you turn Oliver into one too."

"Enough!" he said, "Stop this right now! My word, Ra's, I give you my word. I will obey. Just don't touch her."

His words were hard and clipped. He meant every syllable. His blood was boiling, his heart was racing, but he forced himself to stay put. To not move, so Ra's would not kill her, truly kill her because if he moved, she could be lost to him, even if Ra's restored her with the pit, Felicity and her love would be lost to him, lost to the madness. It was the hardest thing he had ever done in his life to just let Ra's hurt her, but he didn't move.

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