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The grass may look like it's grass but it is much, much more. It's green like the leaves in a tree and stands out like that one girl at school. It's soft when you land on it and nice when you catch a whiff of it.

The trees compliment the grass with their height and green leaves. The trunks are like skirts; they go out or stay down. As the leaves change colors we hear no sound but it kind of feels like the circus came around.

The leaves rustle as the breeze comes and it whisks away all the broken ones. The sound of the leaves is immeasurable compared to the amount of pain the tree goes through. People cut them for firewood, kick them when they're mad, swear at them when they're upset, and push them when they're down.

The clouds are like marshmallows and the sky is like eyes. You can get lost in them especially the night sky. The night sky envelops the night like a blanket does I.

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