Chapter 6

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Eden POV

Ryder dropped Riker and I off at my house then drove away quickly.

“How’d you find out about all that?” Riker asked as he jumped up and sat on my kitchen counter as I started making popcorn.

“I’ve always known he was a writer, I was curious… I didn’t mean for Shelly to find out or break them up, I promise, I feel so guilty.” I kept my eyes on the expanding bag of popcorn in the microwave.

“Don’t be. I’m glad they’re done, she fucked with his head more than any girl I’ve ever met.”

“But will he be okay?” I finally looked at him and sighed.

“I think he’ll get through it, so eventually yes, he’ll be okay.” He replied.

“One of these days, you should tell me about what happened the last time he got caught cutting.”

“I think that’s up to him to tell you, because it’s not my story to tell.” He replied, I couldn’t read how he was feeling.

A loud rap at the door interrupted any chance of a kiss or more conversation. I skipped to open the door. As soon as I turned the knob and began to open the door Cora shoved it open and pulled Kade inside. And damn, did they stink. Her hair and clothes were disheveled, and Kade’s shirt was backwards.

“Cora!” I spluttered.

“What? We have needs!” She replied like it was no big deal. I face palmed.

“Whatever make yourselves comfortable. But please, for the love of God, keep your damn clothes on!”

“Yes mother.” Cora sneered as I walked back to Riker and the popcorn. He was dumping a bag into an already almost full bowl. I smiled.

“Thank you my dear.”

I walked out and laid the bowl of popcorn by Cora and Kade. Cora was sitting in Kade’s lap, and as soon as I sat the bowl down she started taking handfuls and nibbling on kernels.

 Riker wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me down on the couch into his lap. I smiled at Riker then at Cora, because I knew she was playing nice now. I only hoped Riker would too.

“Hey Cora, can I see you in the kitchen for a minute?” I asked, smiling a little wider. “Sure.” She replied and began to get up.

Kade tightened his grip around her and kept her on his lap. “I think you can get what you need by yourself.” He said all dickheadishly.

“Dude. Eden just wants to talk to her, you know, alone. Knock it off.” Riker snapped. Kade glowered at him then released Cora. We ran to the kitchen and as soon as I was sure the door was completely shut I turned to Cora.

“Thank you, thank you, thank you!” I squealed and hugged her tightly.

“For what?” She giggled.

“For being nice to Riker! You’ll love him he’s the sweetest guy!”

“Really? His brother and he always act so intense and serious and scary…” She smiled. “I think this is going to be your forever love.”

“You’re such a liar, you said that about Cody too and I’m not dating him am I?” I laughed. She looked deadly serious.

“Think whatcha want, but if you two end up falling super hard for each other don’t say I didn’t tell you sooo.” Cora smiled.

“Now let’s get back out there.” We walked back out into the living room as the movie just began to roll. Cora sat back in Kade’s lap, while I gently picked Riker’s head up and sat down, laying it in my lap.

Everything was going smoothly until the part where K.W. took Bob and Terry her new owl friends back to the fort that She, Max, and the other Wild Things built. I looked over at Cora and Kade, my eyes started to prick.

A tear slid down my cheek and before I could stop it, it fell and landed on Riker’s forehead. I kept my eyes on the movie, and nobody spoke until the credits rolled. Thankfully by then my eyes weren’t red or puffy.

“Cmon babe, we’re supposed to be meeting Cody soon.” Kade said and pushed Cora gently to her feet. She sighed.

“Alright, I’ll see you tomorrow Eden.” She smiled. I jumped up and hugged her tight. When I released her, she looked at Riker. “Can I hug you Riker?” She asked carefully, Riker looked at me.

“If you’re good with it, I’m good with it.” I replied. Riker stood and embraced Cora awkwardly then released her quickly.

“Eden he has nice arms! I approve of this one.” She giggled, Kade looked extremely jealous. “Let’s go babe.” She sighed again at the envy in his voice.

“Okay, okay. Stop bein’ jealous.” She shoved him out the door and they were gone. Riker smiled at me.

“You know.. I think I like her, him not so much.”

“I know whatcha mean.” I laughed.

That was the moment I knew; Riker Owens would be with me for a long, long time.

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