Chapter 8

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Eden POV

I was dressed, with my hair all done up in curls, and my make up done. I looked stunning, but why didn’t I feel enough? My insecurities kept me in the bathroom, staring at my reflection. Just… staring. Until three sharp raps sounded at the door, I jumped.

“Eden! Your dates are here! Come out here so I can take your pictures!” Mom called and opened the door. I took a deep breath and walked out timidly. As soon as he saw me, Riker’s jaw just about hit the floor.

“Hi there.” I blushed and walked over to him.

“You’re friggen gorgeous.” He leaned in and kissed me. And mom snapped a picture, squealing.

“Mom! God!” I flushed scarlet.

“Eden you look like a pretty pink flower princess thingy!” Ryder called as he jumped up and hugged me, spinning me around. I giggled.

“You look pretty spiffy yourself! Both you of you do.” I smiled and took Riker’s hand. “Who did he end up asking?” I looked at Riker. He grinned.

“She’s my mom’s friend’s daughter. She’s a new kid; she used to live here actually.” Wait a second…

As Riker spoke; an extremely skinny, extremely gorgeous, raven haired girl emerged from my kitchen. As I watched her, she became more and more familiar. Then it hit me.

“Journey!” I was still staring at her. Her lips pulled back into a smile and she threw herself onto me.

“Eden! Holy eff you’re sexy!” I hugged her as tightly as she was hugging me.

“Me? Oh peeshaw, you look epic.” We released each other and giggled.

“Mamma!” Journey crowed and threw herself onto my mother. I smiled, and then looked back at the boys.

“Journey was my best friend back in elementary and middle school. She moved the summer before freshman year, which was when I met Cora.” Riker nodded.

“Blech, Journey I hope you’re staying because I don’t like Cora at all anymore.” Mom shook her head. “Oh well, you four better get going. I hope the three of you ate.” My mom looked at Riker, Ryder, and Journey.

“Course Jane.” Riker grinned charmingly. My mom hugged him, and then after they released, she slapped the side of his head. “Take care of my little girl tonight.”

“Will do, see you at 11?” He smiled down at her then turned to me and wrapped an arm around my waist.

“Yessir, have fun guys.” She took yet another picture of us.

“Bye mom!” I shoved Riker, Ryder, and Journey out the door then hustled my bustle to the car. I slid into the back with Riker and leaned on him.

“You, have an extremely attractive mother.” Ryder chuckled as he pulled out of my driveway. Journey and I hit him at the same time. “What the eff was that for?”

“Keep it in your pants.” Journey warned and winked back at me.

“Yeah, that’s my friggen mom bro.” I shook my head. Sick.

“Yeah, why do you think Eden’s so hot?” Riker chuckled.

“Gahhh, I hate you two.”

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