Starry night

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Yo minna! I'm back with another one shot and to those who is waiting for the lemon, don't worry. I'm working on it. This is just a short one to keep you handy. Also, this one is written at school. I finished my work so I got bored and decided to work on this. I know, badass huh? Only joking. That's one of the least bad ass things I've done....


It was a beautiful night.

Natsu wished he could spend it more wisely and have fun or go star gazing but no. Makarov sent him on a mission to fights some bandits. Happy, his cat is sleeping away at home. He didn't want to disturb him. Suddenly, Natsu heard something.

He pulled his sword, which was strapped on his back. He edged around the corner as he peaked on the other side. His eyes widen. All the bandits that he needed to take to the police was beaten up on the floor. Natsu stepped out into the open. He took a look around.

Then, a sword pointed to his neck. A beautiful blonde narrowed her eyes at him.

"Are you with these guys?" She asked, bringing the blade closer to his neck. Natsu put his hands up is surrender. "N-No. I actually came to pick these guys up to the police." He spoke nervously. The blonde studied him. She retracted her blade, back into its sheath, that is strapped on her back like his.

She backed away as Natsu took a good look at her.

She was wearing a black combat suit. (Imagine Her in Megurine Luka's outfit) Her hair was pulled up in a high pony tail, and yet, her it reached around the end of her back. She had shining chocolate brown eyes, a big bust, a curvy body and slender legs.

Natsu swore, his face was as red as his comrade's hair, Erza.

Then, he noticed something. Some, mark on her arm. It looked like a dragon. (Kinda like Edo-Lucy's mark) "What's that?" Natsu asked her. She looked at her arm and swore silently, then sighed. "It's none of your business." She said. "Come on, let's get these guys back to the police. I didn't come here to but why not help you out just so that you don't have to make too many trips." She said. Natsu nodded.

"I'm Lucy. What's your name?"

"Natsu. Natsu Dragneel."

"Well pinky, lets hurry up and get to the police before we cause too much trouble." Lucy said as she started to pick up the baddies. 

Natsu gasped in shock at how easily she pick them up. Lucy glanced over as Natsu turned away. He could have sworn that he heard a little giggle from her. Natsu pouted.

As they headed to the police to deliver the baddies, they were telling jokes and laughing the whole time.


Months have past. Years have past and yet the two has never separated. Until one day. That day changed him. He won't be back to who he was until she is back.

That day, Lucy had to go to a war to fight for humanity. Somehow, all the prisoners broke free and are calling a war with them. Lucy had been asked to join. No matter how much Natsu tried to stop her, she would always say the same.

'they need me. If I don't go, they could go after you and kill you. I'm doing this for your safety.'

Nalu OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now