Chapter 1

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hey there! thanks for clicking on this story and i hope you enjoy!

This capter is dedicated to floflower for making the awesome cover!


Chapter 1

Fairytales. Stupid story’s with fake happy endings so little kids won't be scared to grow up and fall in love. Filled with expectations and dreams of the Prince Charming that rescues you from your tower, or kisses you awake and breaks the curse. But among all those other fairytales, I choose Shrek, because that's where I learned that even imperfect people, can have happy endings.


“Please Gracie-poo.” Even though it’s just us, hearing the nickname my best friend gave me still had me turning red.

“No.” Tori sighed and stood up from her spot on my bed.

“It’s just one night.”

“No means no Victoria.” My door swung open to reveal my other best friend, Megan. She walked in and threw a bag of chips on the bed before leaving again. The room shifted into an uncomfortable silence, but I knew it wouldn’t last long. I was right.

“Why won’t you come?”

“Because I don’t want to.”

“That’s not a good enough reason!” Victoria yelled, giving me the glare that she only brought out for three people: her ex-boyfriends, her parents, and unfortunately, me.

“Just because I don’t want to wake up in the morning with a raging headache and the possibility of being pregnant like the rest of the teenage population, doesn’t mean you should drag me along!”

“I go to these parties all the time!”

“You’re also failing calculus.”

“It wouldn’t kill you to have fun for a change!”

“Guys!” Megan stood at the door, holding a tub of ice-cream and three spoons. “We’ve run out of Dorito’s.” I stared at her in disbelief. That girl and her food. “Now can we just leave it? I swear to god, every week it’s the same argument. Tori, if she doesn’t want to go to the party, she doesn’t have to go, and Grace,” She glanced at me, “I love you but you need to get out more. Now sit down and shut-up. Anyone who doesn’t want to participate in this activity can go downstairs and sulk because I am not dealing with you both.” She tied her hair in a bun and sat down on the floor, a spoon in one hand and the ice-cream in her lap.

Victoria gave me one last glace before plopping down next to Megan on the ground. How I managed to get friends like these two I will never know. Victoria had dark red hair, which complemented her olive skin perfectly. She was short for her age, but made up for it in curves and personality. Megan was the complete opposite. Her black hair passed her shoulders, and was always dead straight. She had a pale complexion and deep brown eyes. Both of these girls were envied by many, and hated by none. They were friendly, outgoing and creative. I on the other hand, well let’s just say that I got the short end of the stick. My blonde hair sat in a greasy ponytail on my head, frizzing and curling the way it always does. I had permanently rosy cheeks, and my skin was constantly invaded with acne. My wardrobe consisted of baggy shirts and jumpers, and as much as Victoria wanted me to, I never wore makeup.

Although it may seem that Tori and I don’t get along, we have been friends long before high school. My mother is a fashion designer, and met Tori’s mum, Christie, at design school. We see a lot of each other because our parents are always working, and I’m pretty sure she’s spent more time at my house then her own.

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