The Game of Gender Roles

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In this game, there is two teams. Blue and pink. All boys have to play as blue pawns and all girls have to play as pink. There will be consequences for not doing so. Your friends probably won't be happy either. The goal of the game is simple. Continue moving around the board until you cannot do so anymore. Oh, and follow all the given rules. What may those be? 

The boy's rules. Rule one, be part of a sports team. Rule two, play lots of video games. Rule three, wear jerseys and sports related shirts all the time. The list goes on, but you'll learn those later. 

The girl's rules. Rule one, join a dance team or cheerleader squad. Rule two, don't try to be smart. Rule three,  wear dresses, jewelry, and makeup. As with the boys, the list continues, but these are basic ones.

Rules that apply to all. Rule one, do not do anything like or act like the opposite gender. Rule two, do not try and fight against the rules. Rule three, Always be happy with the role you were given. 

Remember, there will be consequences if you don't follow these rules. Just come and play our little game.  

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