Chapter 1 - My Pathetic Excuse

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I don't know how I was so calm and collected when inside I was right opposite of it. It's been one week since the last encounter with him. When I fainted and ended up in a nurse room. It's been freaking one week neither I've seen him around school nor heard anything of him. One week, I've been keeping to myself and avoiding everyone, my friends and family.

"Paris, I'm asking you something." Arianna said, obviously irritated with me. She asked me something and I was too busy day dreaming and thinking about my mate that I missed it again. 

"Sorry." I said looking down. I was really not in the mood to have a conversation with anyone. We were in canteen having our lunch. I was with Pareena and Arianna, my bestfriends since school.

I looked back at Arianna, meeting her stare. Pareena was on her phone tapping a text to God knows who. That girl loves her phone.

Arianna was still looking at me trying to figure out what was wrong with me. I pretty much had a blank expression on my face.

"Okay, split. . . what are you hiding?" she asked almost intimidately. Almost.

"What? Nothing, what could I hide from you guys?" I said innocently.


"Just let it go. . ." I said seriously, though now I was smiling.

"Girls, I have to tell you guys something!" Paree's excited voice floated across the table. Pareena is a cute asian girl with big black eyes and dark hair, which appeared light red in sunlight. While, Arianna is pretty, skinny girl with beautiful smile and eyes. Gosh, I have the most beautiful and caring bestfriends.

"What?" Arianna asked excitedly.

"Let's, go out tonight."

"Why tonight?" I said giving her the look. The look that says "Whats the reason behind it."

"Well, I heard my ultimate crush will be there at this party." She smiled at us innocently. 

"Oh God" Arianna muttered.While I was thinking to myself.

"So you two in?"

"Sure," Arianna replied at the same time I said "No."

"Why?" they both said in unison.

"Today mine and Chase's family are having dinner together so I gotta be there."

Neither of them looked convinced, but didn't say anything. I, on other hand, was not looking forward to tonight's dinner.


"You've grown beautiful, just like your mother, dear." Chase's mom, Katy, says looking at me.

"Yes, indeed." Alpha Nathan, Chase's dad, said agreeing with his wife.

"Thank you." I said smiling at both of them. We were currently having dinner at my house.

"I knew from the start they look good together." my dad said proudly. Chase just squeezed my hand that he had gripped under the table. 

"They will be great strong Alpha couple." my father compliments once again. Chase has an Alpha bloodline and I have a beta's, my father was the Beta of the pack.

Katy and Alpha Nathan nodded happily. It was always like this. The same conversation about how Chase and I were perfect for each other even though we we're not mates. Every werewolf has his or her other half, or soulmate, waiting to find the other. No love could be compared to the love between soulmates.

Sometimes, I wonder what it would be like if my mother was alive and with us. Maybe things would be different. Maybe. That thought always makes me miss her more.

"You both are made for each other." Katy said.

"I know that, mom." Chase said looking lovingly at me. I just smiled his way. If only mom was here, maybe she would have understood me. No one is forcing me or anything, but everytime I think about telling my dad I don't love Chase, or at least not in the kind of way he wants, but I can't. 

We were always like bestfriends, more than girlfriend and boyfriend. I know he wouldn't pressure me or force me into anything, but he would be sad. Ever since mom passed away, Dad had never been the same. He tries to be as cheerful as he can for me, even though I know how much he misses my mom. After all she was his true soulmate, and when someone loses his soulmate he loses his half soul. It's painful.

And now after seeing my true mate that day, I can't stop thinking about him. At least before I was accepting my life with Chase, but now I can't pretend that I'm totally in love with Chase. I love him, but like a friend, nothing more. I know deep inside my wolf already loves Noah with all her heart, even if I'm not ready to accept it.

"Paris, are you listening?" Chase asks, looking at me with a worried expression.

"Yeah." I said stopping the trance of thoughts that were running through my mind.

"What's got you these days? You're mostly silent."

"Nothing, I'm just not feeling well. That's all." 

"Are you sure?"


I looked at Chase's worried face, his light blue eyes that is staring at me with concern. I could love him, he had been my bestfriend my whole life. He knows me like the back of his hand, but even before Noah, I always knew we were not meant to be. Every werewolf has a mate out there for him or her and they are meant to be together. I have a mate that I found out just a week ago, and I know Chase's mate is out there for him too.

Chase and I were not mates, but we were together because we've been together from the start, and our families have been happy with it. They were all been happy when we told them when we started dating. 

Even if I had felt something for Chase, something more than friends in the past, I can't help but feel guilty now. He deserves someone who loves him truely, and that could never be me.

I know my reason for rejecting my mate is pathetic, but I don't want to be the reason behind everyone's sadness, specially my dad's. Everything was planned when Chase would become Alpha, I was to be his Luna. Everyone was happy with me and Chase being couple, the Golden couple. I can never break my father's heart by telling him I don't want Chase, and crush his hopes for me.


So,This is the next chapter. How is it? I hope I included all the necessary information in this chapter.

 Please,vote and comment. I appreciate it and it gives me inspiration to write more.

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