Part 4

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4. In which they spend a whole day together.


"It's funny that you didn't think that I would found out yet here I am." Her smile got wider as he started to get flustered.

"How did you find out?"

"Scott told me, duh."

Marissa and the Kane boy have been hanging out together for a little over a month ever since she decided to get to know him better. She had been recently introduced to Kane's (her temporary name for him) best friend Scott a few days ago. Scott was a really tall kid- about 6' 3", and never failed to tease Marissa about the huge height difference between them two. He also told her about Kane's birthday when they met each other, and Kane was out of earshot.

"I should have never left you two alone that day." Marissa stuck her tongue out at Kane, and he smiled at her silliness. Kane got up off the couch and made his way into the kitchen to grab them something to eat. Marissa, however had a different plan. When Kane came back to the living room, Marissa turned off the TV, and took the plate of day old pizza out of his hands.

"Oh no. Today is your birthday, and we are going to go out and celebrate." Kane groaned, but Marissa didn't listen. She promptly took his hand and dragged him outside of his house and led him inside her car. Once the two of them were all buckled up, Marissa drove down their street and made a right towards the highway.

"Where are we going?" Kane turned his head towards her.

Marissa briefly took a look at him, and her heart was beating uncontrollably fast. This has been happening to her more frequently as they spend more time together. And yes, she is very much aware that she isn't feeling this way towards Charlie anymore. And good riddance, however, it doesn't change the fact that she got attached to Kane so easily. Will this newfound crush even go anywhere? She can't afford to be in a relationship now. She's got two months left in the school year. She's supposed to leave town.

"To a special place."

"Which is where exactly?" She opened her mouth, then decided to shut it.

"You ask too many questions Kane." The rest of the drive was silent.

She couldn't wait to see his reaction when they arrived.

\ \

It was just an open field.

"This is an open field."

"With a tree!"

"Yeah! Only one! In what way is this special?"

"It's special during the nighttime." He looked at her, baffled.

"Then why are we here at 11:30 in the morning?!"

"Again, you ask too many questions Kane." Marissa was having so much fun, hearing his reaction. "But if you really want to know the answer... you have to catch me first!"

And at that, the Kane boy chased Marissa all over the open field. It seemed as if they had so much energy, for the chase went on until the afternoon. By the time they were doggone tired, it was 6:30 pm, and there was the slightest teaser of sunset.

Marissa had walked back to her car, and motioned for the Kane boy to follow.

"So Marissa, what now?"

"Well, it's dinner time. Bon appetit, mon ami." He chuckled.

"Merci, mademoiselle. J'ai très faim. Et vous?"

"Uh, sure?"

He laughed this time.


"Can you please stop with the French? For all I know, you could actually be saying something else, and that would not be impressive anymore."

"I was actually taught French as a young boy. My parents wanted me to be multilingual. I only absorbed French and English so that idea went out the window."

It was currently 8:30 and they have long since finished the food that Marissa brought with her. It was getting really dark, and he was certain his parents were home and starting to worry. It seems as if he is the only one with a curfew, since the brown eyed beauty sitting next to him on a tree branch doesn't seem to care about the time.

"Oh, that's cool. I'm bilingual too. My parents spent a couple of years in Spain before I was born. When I was little, they taught me Spanish."

They looked up at the night sky. They had so much to say to each other today. He liked that they never stopped asking each other questions, and always had something to say. He really wished that he had the courage to tell her how he felt. But they only met just a month ago, and he obviously didn't want her to know he'd been staring at her through his window all these years.

From their branch, they had a pretty sweet view. He could see the land extend for what looked like miles. It was breathtaking.

He was startled by a hand. Marissa smiled sheepishly.

"Do you mind?" He shook his head and blushed, hoping it wouldn't be visible.
She nodded slightly and proceeded to intertwine her fingers with his.

This was it. He was ready to tell her how he felt, screw the consequences. However, when he opened his mouth, a phone went off.

"Hello?" Marissa's phone. Just his luck.

"Oh, hey mom. Yeah I'm with him. We're fine." She chuckled.
"Okay, we'll come home."

She looked at him. He couldn't decipher what her eyes said. But he knew she was showing something. If only he could read her mind.

"Well. I think it's time to go back. Our parents have a cake waiting for you."

He smiled. "Let's go then." They walked to her car and Marissa drove back to her house. When they reached her front door, Marissa moved to open it, but he stopped her.

"What is it Kane?"

"I had a wonderful time with you." She blushed. "It really was special. I mean, the night sky, the stars, our talks. It was all great."

"Oh, that wasn't why it was special." He cocked his head to the side.

"It wasn't? Then what made it special?"

"The fact that I got to hold your hand made it special. I've been meaning to do that for a while." And with that, she opened the door and rushed inside. Oh, she was good. He followed right behind her, craving some red velvet cake.

I used my brain power for the French dialogue. I take French in school so yeah :) anyway, got inspired and finished this part for you guys! Until next time!

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