A surprise!

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Upon reaching their destination, Danielle opened her purse and was about to take out the money when Dongwoon offered to pay for the fare.

"Here's the money and keep the change," Dongwoon handed the money.

"Thank you sir," The driver thanked happily.

Both of them got out of the car and Danielle faced him.

"Why do you pay for my fare? I can pay half of it myself," Danielle asked.

"It's okay. I intend to pay for you anyway. Don't worry about it. You don't have to pay me back. Treat it like our first meeting," Dongwoon gave her a wink.

Danielle raised her eyebrow and turned pink. 

"T-thank you...i guess. Its nice meeting you too," Danielle turned away and looked at the streets to avoid eye contact with Dongwoon.

Dongwoon peered at Danielle and smiled to himself. *She's quite cute when she's embarrassed*

Danielle slowly turned her head when she felt one pair of eyes staring at her.

"Is there something on my face?" She asked.

"Aniyo," Dongwoon replied.

"Then why are you smiling to yourself?" She raised her eyebrow,feeling curious.

Dongwoon did not answer her question and turned his head,still smiling.

*This guy is sooo weird...keep smiling to himself* Danielle thought.

"I think I better go. It's getting dark," Danielle grabbed her luggage from the ground.

"Ye. Me too. I'll see you soon,okay?" Dongwoon smiled and winked.

Both Danielle and Dongwoon walked off in separate direction. Dongwoon slowly turned his back and smiled to himself. *Hope I get to see you soon,Danielle...*


After walking a few minutes, Danielle reached her house. She stood there,smiling to herself. She opened her luggage and took out a big hat and sunglasses. She can't wait to surprise her family upon her arrival!

She knocked on the door and the door was slowly opened by a tall guy.

"Who are you?" The guy asked with curiosity.

Danielle adjusted her voice and said," Hi. I'm looking for Danielle. Has she come home?"

"Uh...no. But who are you? I don't remember you in our neighbourhood," The guy tried to look at her face but she kept blocking it.

"I'm her friend," Danielle continued with her acting and chuckled to herself.

"Yah....I remember that chuckle anywhere....could it be...?" The guy thought for a moment and widened his eyes.

"Oppa! It's me, your cute and sweet little sister! hehehehe," Danielle gave him a warm hug.

"Elly? It's that really you?" her big brother seemed surprise.

"It's me! Can't you recognise me?" Danielle pouted.

"You..seem different," he looked at Danielle with a shocked look.

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