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"Hey are you gonna be okay?" I asked Shawn who was laying on his bed staring at the ceiling absentmindedly.

He looked calm, but I knew that something was bothering him. Probably his unfortunate encounter with Claire.

"Im just worried about Ally." He finally replied.

"It's weird not kissing her goodnight, you know?"

"Yeah." I sighed. "She'll be okay."

"I hope so." He replied.

"Alright, I'm going to bed. Goodnight." I turned on my heels.

"Wait. Bree?"

I turned back and peeped my head through the door, "Yeah?"

"Can you sleep here tonight?" Shawn asked.

I thought about it for a bit. First of all, I have a boyfriend. But then again it's not like I'm cheating on him with my best friend who Im confused whether I still have feelings for him or not.

"Yeah." I smiled before crawling into bed with him.

I put the blanket over me and faced my back towards Shawn, "Night."

"Goodnight, Bree." Shawn whispered.

We were both on the opposite ends of the bed with our backs facing towards each other. But somehow Shawn found his way closer to me and wrapped his strong arm around my waist.

I slowly relaxed as he nuzzled into my neck. It felt normal.


I woke up the next morning, still in Shawn's arms. I tried my best to wiggle out of his tight grip while trying to wake him. Surprisingly, I succeeded then headed to the bathroom to get ready.

I had no school today since it was Saturday, but it was still going to be a very busy day.

Shawn and I had to pick up Ally, and I had a date with Jack tonight.

Not bothering to change out of my pajamas, I went downstairs to make breakfast for Shawn and I.

"Smells good." I heard a raspy voice from behind.

"You always say that." I laughed as I cracked an egg onto the pan.

"Bacon smells amazing." Shawn wrapped his arms around my waist from behind. "You can't deny that."

My cheeks turned a bright shade of pink from his actions. "W-What are you doing?"

"Hugging my best friend."

"Oh okay."

I finished the bacon and eggs. He stepped back so that I can put it on our plates.

Shawn immediately dug in.

I laughed at the piece of egg on his cheek that's been there for five minutes.

"What?" He asked with a mouthful of food.

"You got a little." I pointed at his cheek.

He tried to pick at it, but couldn't get it.

I leaned over the table and brushed it off. He stared into my eyes, captivating me. It was like I was drawn to him. The next thing I knew, his lips met mine.

This is gonna sound super cliche, but I felt my heart drop to my stomach. My emotions were everywhere.

I pulled away, his kiss still lingering on my lips.

It took me a moment until I snapped back into reality.

"What the fuck?" I blurted out.

"I um-" Shawn began before uninterrupted him.

"Don't speak of this. Whatever just happened stays between us okay?"

"Yeah. Just us." He nodded quickly.

I put my face in my hands, "I messed up so bad."

"Am I really that bad of a kisser?"

"No, Shawn. I have a boyfriend and I kissed you!"

"So I'm not a bad kisser?"


"Im sorry. Just relax okay. Just never speak of this."

"Yeah." I closed my eyes.

"Are you coming with me to pick up Ally?" He asked trying to change the subject.

"You know what, you just go. I need to study." I lied.

"Okay. I'll just um go then." He nodded slowly going upstairs.

What have I done? I just cheated on Jack. As much as I hate it, I actually liked the kiss. It gave me this warm, tingly feeling.

Oh my god.. Im still in love with Shawn.

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