Twenty Two

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When the line to the exit shortened, I stood up to grab our carry on, while Aubrey held Ally.

"I thought Canada had snow." Ally sighed in disappointment.

"It used to." I said grabbing our luggage from the conveyer belt.

"See, Al. Your luggage didn't get one single scratch on it." Bree reassured as she gave her the bright pink one direction luggage.

We got out of the baggage claim and went to the nearest Tim Horton's.

"Xander!" Aubrey yelled as she jumped into some tall brunette guy's arms.

"Bree!" He spun her around. When they finally stopped hugging, they came back to our table.

"Hey, Shawn! We miss you on the team!" Xander said giving me a 'bro hug'.

"I'm sorry man, I gotta take care of my girls." I wrapped my arm around Ally and Bree.

"Sis, I told you it was gonna happen!" Xander said as a cheeky grin appeared on his face.

"Shut up Alexander!" Bree tried smacking him on the head, but failed as she was too short.

"Ha, can't get me anymore." Xander stuck out his tongue.

"Can't get me anymore." Bree mocked.

Xander turned his head to face Ally, "Hey how come you haven't introduced me to the pretty little lady?"

"Ally, say hi." I nudged her gently.

"Hi." She said quietly, and then hid her face into Aubrey's jacket.

Xander chuckled, "Hey, Ally I'm Aubrey's not so little brother, Alexander, but you can call me Xander."

Ally peeked her head out, "Im Allison, but everyone calls me Ally."

"Nice to meet you Ally." Xander shook her little hand. "I've heard a lot about you."

"Yeah?" Ally said shyly.

"I heard that you like one direction, and I know it's still Christmas Eve, but here." He gave Ally a messily wrapped gift that looked like a CD.

"Thank you!" Ally smiled.

"Daddy look what I got." She whispered.

"Alright, we should get going, mom doesn't know I'm here." He said to Bree.

We got into his car and drove to Aubrey's house first which was on the other end of my street.

"Mom! I'm home!" Xander yelled.

"Alexander Derek Hale! You told me you were at the library studying with Leo, but I called him and-"

"Aubrey?!" She screeched.

"Mom!" She hugged her.

"My baby! I missed you so much!" She cried.

"Ma, don't cry. I'm here now." Aubrey laughed.

"And Shawn, my son, look how grown up you are!" She engulfed me in a big hug.

"It's nice to see you too, Mariana." I said.

"And who's this?"

"Ally, this is my mommy." Aubrey crouched down to Ally's height.

"Hi, Ally aren't you the cutest little thing!" Mariana cooed. "Cute as a button!"

She turned to me and patted my head, "She is so cute, Shawny she has your eyes."

"I'm lucky to have her." I said before hugging Aubrey, "And your daughter."

Mariana squealed, "Ai! I knew this would happen!"

"Mom!" Aubrey gasped.

We all laughed as we ate cookies.

"Hey, mom where's dad?" Aubrey asked.

"He should be home soon." Mariana replied as she made soup.

"Alright," Bree nodded. "Hey, when are we going to your house?"

"I forgot about that." I bit my lip.

"Karen and Manny are coming over for dinner." Mariana said. "Xander, set up the table!"

"I could do it, mom." Aubrey offered.

"No, no, baby girl you need to rest." Mariana insisted. "Besides, your brother needs to get it through his head that I'm not gonna be there when he goes off to college."

Aubrey pinched Xander's cheeks, "My baby brother's going to college! And I thought you were gonna just keep working at Laser Quest for the rest of your life."

"First of all, I work at American Apparel now. Second, I actually made it into a university, not a college." Xander said.

"Wow, X, you're so cool." Bree said sarcastically. "But really though, that's amazing!"

"So Shawn, how's life?" Xander asked as Bree and Ally went upstairs to freshen up.

"Busy with work, and my kid." I said.

"Wow, you sound like my dad." He laughed.

"That's because I am a dad."

"So, you treating my big sister well?" Xander asked. "Actually, no need to answer, I've always thought you two would grow old together."

"So I have your blessing?" I joked.

"You could say that." he smiled.

"Hey, y'all." Aubrey jumped onto Xander's back.

"Ew get off of me lard!" He put her in a headlock.

"Xander, you haven't introduced me to your new girlfriend." A deep voice bellowed in a jokingly matter.

"Ew!" Aubrey and Xander both yelled.

"Aubrey!" Her dad smiled.

"Dad!" She jumped up and hugged him.

"Shawn!" He said.

"Joe!" I exclaimed.

I stood up and shook his hand, but he gave me a bear hug.

"I missed you guys!" He smiled. "Hows it been?"

While Aubrey was explaining everything that happened, I went to the kitchen to help Mariana.

"Mariana, do you need any help?" I asked.

"Im already done cooking, but how bout you taste it and tell me odd it good." She said.

I tasted her stew and pretty much everything, and it was so heavenly.

"This is delicious!" I said taking more from the pot.

"I said taste, not eat the whole thing." She joked.

I laughed and helped her put the food on the table.

"Shawn can you answer the door please?" She asked.

"Of course."

I opened the door.




Happy Holidays!

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