Don't turn your back

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       As anyone could tell, they were already past the doorway. They had arrived at the long hallway where Axel and Saix had already found the handle, leading to their grim fate. In said hall, it was definitely dark. It was so very dark, they couldn't see each other, even though they were all holding hands. The only thing they could make out was the outline of hair a blonde hair color, since their other colors were shades near black. It seemed as though they were melting into the background of a black stage, one that would be glued to for a long time.

"Why haven't we found the exit?" Xion said breaking the silence that seemed deafening.

"Did you really think we would be right in and out without any issues?" Xigbar repliedd.

"Not really- but she's probably just as nervous as we are." Roxas whispered to Xigbar.

"Well that's too bad- found it!" Xigbar screamed pointing.

He single handedly picked the two of them over a few spikes and pulled them along to the door across the hall.

"After that, it should be the field of fearful thoughts." Roxas coughed, reading a map he had stolen from Xemnas.

"Right I remember that from the stories Xemnas used to tell. But he kept saying that it was all just a story, it was completely just something he had made up in a story..." Xion hacked, looking at Xigbar's shoes scuffing around spikes.

He brought them through the door and into the corridor that became a football field worth of room.

"Only a little more left until we reach the forest of Xemnas!" Xigbar sneezed putting them both down.

"Oh is that so?" Xemnas slowly appearing like a ghost behind the three of them.

"Oh my god!" Xion whined in her thoughts.

The three of them stood there, heads turned, staring at Xemnas in complete shock.

"Just in case you weren't aware, you three aren't going to ruin my plans..." he shouted with vines slowly creeping up behind him.

"Look out!" Roxas yelled when one attacked.

"Make a run for it!" Xigbar cried out as they all went flying towards the end of the hall.

"You will not escape me this time!" Xemnas roared out as the possessed vines kept attacking.

"Roxas something's not right with him!" Xion winced, as she dodged a few vines.

"I know- just keep running! Some of the vines have spikes and others have poisonous barbs!" Roxas screamed through his own panting.

"Just keep running period!" Xigbar shouted, watching the door get closer.

"Heh- you wish!" Xemnas spun his hands and sent three vines at them.

One of them fired at Xion, she didn't move fast enough, so Xigbar pushed her out of the way, along with Roxas.

"You idiot..." Xemnas mumbled, smirking.

The vines smacked Xigbar in the neck and he fell to the ground feeling paralyzed.

"Keep going you two- you have too..." Xigbar wailed feeling his mouth getting numb.

"We're not leaving you behind!" Roxas and Xion screamed out in unison.

"Just do it- do it now!" Xigbar stuttered out through his feeble feeling.

They finally had to oblige and continued running towards the door. Xion went flying through and Roxas took one last look to see if there was still hope for his fighting friend.

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